Sam imagine

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Imagine Sam and you studying in the library and he figures out you have a crush on him


Your POV:

Sam and I were reseaching about a rich man named Mr. Devonab, he was a top notch company owner, and we think he is a restless spirit terrorizing the corperation. Sam was in another section and I was in town history.

I found the book I was looking for but me being shorter, couldn't reach it. Finally, on the very tip if my toes I could touch the base of the book.

I could feel the warmth radiating off the body of the person behind me. His spicy cologne was oh so familiar. His chest finally touched my back, and we were close as could be. A hand brushed over mine and firmly grabbed the book, then pulled it down with my hand also on it.

I turned around, my face, neck, and ears burning. Sam looked flustered as well, a visible blush on his face. He handed me the book and I accidentally put my hand on his, making the situation more worse.

He looked strait into my eyes and asked the question I loved, but also dreaded.

"Y\N do you like me? Like more then a friend?" He squinted a little as if trying to understand something that I didn't say.

"I-uh um yeah, I think I love you." I said nevously, awaiting his answer.

There was a painful silence before lips smashed into mine, sparks igniting, my dreams coming true. Our lips fit like puzzle pieces, and moved perfectly in sync. We broke apart breathing heavy, lust in our eyes.

"Y\N I've loved you for so long and I didn't think you liked me back, but I finally saw it today. Y\N I love you." He admitted, our bodies still pasted to eachother.

"I love you too Sam."

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