Crowley Imagine pt. 2

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LenaDestler request part 2

Crowley marrying you (Phoebe)

Phoebe adjusted her dress and the small veil crown was lowered onto her head. The maids (demons) sprayed her hair with hair spray and put finishing touches on her makeup.

They stepped back and Phoebe did a full 360, and they nodded smiling because of their achievement. One of the maids, which is now Phoebe's best friend, (insert friends name) passed her a small bouquet of red and white roses.

Phoebe had decided from the getgo that she wanted a small wedding, but she also wanted to respect Crowley's wishes of becoming the queen and so on. Crowley on the other hand wanted all of hell to know that his queen was going to be crowned and married. So overtime, they negotiated that the wedding would be held in the thrown room with a certain amount of people, then the crowning would commence and they would all be done with it.

So, Phoebe found herself walking down the isle of the thrown room, her hand wrapped around Dean's arm. Even if he didn't quite approve of the marriage, Phoebe was his friend and even if she was marrying the king of hell, Sam and Dean wouldn't miss the wedding for anything.

Dean kissed Phoebes forehead, then sat down as she stepped up to meet the eyes of an astounding Crowley. As her eyes met his, a glint of mischievousness appeared in his eyes, seeing the utter beauty of Phoebe and the moments prior.

Crowley wore a black suit as usual, but as a change he wore a white tie and corsage. Phoebe's eyes widened and her breath hitched, her cheeks hurt from smiling the entire time. Crowley smiled assuring himself and Phoebe, and that was when the demon at the podium cleared his throat.

The demon priest had a completely different script since the normal had mentions of God and etcetera. It wasn't like 'oh we thank the devil for bringing this demon and this lady together, now let us chant satanic worshiping songs! Yay!'

It was quite nice actually. There was no mention of god, or Lucifer or anything like that. It talked about how fate, brought them together (even though she might be associated with heaven, whatever) and how the elements of Crowley and phoebe complimented each other and ultimately changed one another.

And finally, after Phoebes and Crowley's vows, the priest had asked for the rings. A little boy carefully walked down the isle with a pillow and two gold, beautifully crafted rings, all while still managing a smile.

"He's my great, great, great, great, great, great, nephew. I had to give the little fellow a chance." Crowley whispered to into your ear with his eyebrows up, and you giggled softly.

Crowley thanked him and brought the ring to your finger, then slipped it on, it fitting perfectly. You did the same to Crowley and the priest continued.

"Do you, my lord, Crowley take Phoebe (L\N) to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Crowley grinned softly. "I most certainly do."

"And do you Miss Phoebe (L\N) take Crowley to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." Phoebe squeaked out, tears stinging her eyes.

"Then by the power invested in me i pro-"

"Shut it." Crowley interrupted and smashed his lips into Phoebe's. She immediately kissed back and the whole room cheered and clapped, and out of the corner of her eye Phoebe could see Dean wiping away a tear and Sam grinning like a mad man, clapping happily. She smiled and broke the kiss and they turned to the crowds at the benches and showed off, Crowley smiled proudly with a hand around Phoebes waist.

When everything settled down Phoebe lifted up her dress and knelt on the knee pillow provided. She looked in her lap, anxiously waiting as Crowley presented a more kingly speech.

She then felt a object touch her left, then right shoulder and a somewhat heavy weight on her head. She smiled knowing a crown was placed there.

Phoebe stood up and faced the crowd, everyone clapped and cheered, and she gracefully smiled, but inside she was really going crazy with joy.

Suddenly as the noise died down the Winchesters jumped up and screamed;


And everyone followed, chanting;




Hope you enjoyed! I really liked making this crowley imagine so thank you LenaDestler :) pls vote and comment


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