They hit you part 2

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Lucifer: luci was in a very bad mood today, your friends but his enemies the Winchesters were on his back again and from angel radio you gathered that micheal was being a bitch and still wanted to destroy half the world. It didn't help when you tried to calm him, he pushed you away for your own safety but you didn't listen.

"Lucifer, please it's going to be alright, we'll just move again alright?" You say but his eyes only get darker until you know he was going to burst.

"You don't understand Y/N! YOU SHOULD JUST- argh!" He yells into the air making the household shake.

He looks back at you and everything turns into a blur until a sick crack is heard followed by a small eruption of pain. (P.S. You are a angel in this one)

Your body flopped down to the ground and you slid across the floor to Lucifers feet. You tried to get up but lucifer definitely broke your vessels spine, so it would take a while to heal.

"Do it." You grunted, face smooshed to the floor. "Take it out on me, do it Luci." You broke down, waiting for your vessel to be ripped apart. With eyes tightly closed, you gathering up your energy to leave the vessel, and waited a breath short.

But instead the force was lifted off, and you were picked up bridal style, and was gently put onto a bed.

Lucifer with tears in his glossy eyes stared at you with guilt radiating off his body. His thoughts were going insane, crowding your empty one with sorrow, guilt, sorriness, anything you could imagine.

"Y/N I-"

"Don't lucifer. I understand, you are the most wanted by angels, I resembled one that did not have your trust. But please lay me to rest." Your vessel was beaten up and healing, so the best you could do was rest.

Lucifer gently crawled beside you and spooned you, lightly grazing his big hands over your hips and stomach. He whispered all the things he loved about you while you slowly drifted off to sleep.


"Look at you Kevin!" You sigh, visiting your boyfriend in some boat where he's constantly getting sick and looks like he's about to drop dead.

"All you care about is that stupid angel tablet! Try thinking about yourself for once!" You say while cooking him a good, hearty meal for him. He gives you a classic bitch face and you shoot one right back, slamming the spoon down and starting to shuffle papers into piles and tidy up.

"Y/N leave those alone! I-it's part of my work, if you touch it it will get all messed up, JUST STOP!" He yells and shoves you away from the messy papers. You trip on your ankle and fall back, stunned on your butt for a moment before you start softly crying.

You wipe your eyes, probably smudging mascara everywhere and try to get up. After slowly walking to the small compartment Kevin called a kitchen you broke down and started to sob while turning the heat off.

"Y/N I'm sorry." Kevin said, but it almost sounded insincere.

"No Kevin!" You said slamming the plate on the table. "I worrying that you're going to die on me! What if one day you pass out and never wake up again! That angel tablet is ruining your life and you know it!" You started to sob uncontrollably but turned away from Kevin, not wanting him to see your sobbing wreck. Kevin being Kevin slowly approached, making sure for you to accept his presence. When he got to softly holding you, you broke down and melted into his embrace.

He vowed he wouldn't focus as much on the tablet anymore, and more on his health. You stayed with him for a week just to make sure he kept his promise.

Gabriel: you were cooking Gabriel's favorite food for dinner, and it was finally done. You had set the table and poured the wine, then inserted guardians of the galaxy into your blue ray home movie theatre screen.

"Gabe!" You called and waited only for silence.

"Gabriel!" You called again going up the stairs.

You stopped at your shared room door only to see it open and the lights off, so you went down the hall and to the work out room where you could see shadows playing around under the closed door.

Gaaabbbbeeeee~" you sang but was cut short when the door slammed off its hinges and onto your body, smashing you against the floor.

You yelped out, your leg pressing impossibly close to the floor. Within seconds the door had disappeared, and Gabriel was at your side, frantically healing you.

"The fuck gabe!?" You said and crawled to look what was in the work out room. Turns out it was a alligator with a fencing mask on along with some boxing gloves.

Before Gabriel could say anything you spun around.

"You should be so glad I love you because you my friend have weird fettishes'."

"Dinner!" You called once again and trudged down the stairs to fill an extra plate for a un expected house guest.

I don't know I really just lost it with Gabriel. Seriously. I'm in English right now and I have math next and I'm terrible at math pls help meeee.

Anyway thank you please vote and comment.


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