Dean Imagine

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Imagine Dean helping you through a bad break up.

This was kind of inspired by my friend, she went through a break up close to Christmas which in my mind was a really bad thing And I just hope she likes this. You know who you are, *cough Tessa cough*

Big calloused feet padded along the dark oak shellacked floors of the well known bunker. Those feet belonged to Dean Winchester who carried a chilled beer and a hunk of pie in boxers and a white t-shirt at 1 in the morning. He was refreshed from a mid-days nap that was quite rare for a man with a lifestyle like his, and had worked up an appetite mentally fighting to get out of the damn flannel bed sheets that would someday make him rue the day.

The condensation from the beer bottle slipped down and expanded along his fingers and made them all damp and slippery, but his firm grip kept the bottle from slipping.

He travelled down the hallways swiftly and quickly, making sure not a sound was made. He knew that Sam was as usual studying with his nose in some book or scroll and as for his other companion, Y/N; she hadn't said anything to anyone today. The more he thought about it Y/N hadn't come out of her room at all today, he hadn't even seen her today.

A muffled noise caught deans attention. His eyes travelled to the direction, a closed door. Not just any door though, Y/N's door, which he was conveniently in front of.

Setting the beer between his bicep and ribs he approached the door and listened carefully to see if anything would happen again.

Just as he was about to shake it off another sound emerged, this time more clear, but not clear enough to decipher. Squinting his eyes he brought his fist up to knock on the door. He knocked three times and nervously waited for some sort of answer.

A weak 'come in' allowed him to turn the cold iron door handle and step in. What he saw made his throat tighten and his chest heave.

The room was messy, clothes were on the floor, the garbage was overturned and books and water bottles scattered the room, a very unusual sight for Y/N.

The air in the room was heavy, it made it hard to breathe with all that tension. Pushing aside some books Dean placed down the pie and beer, then stepped over clutter on the floor to approach the heap of blankets and pillows on the bed.

"Y/N it's Dean."

"Hey Dean." She sighed, her broken voice partly muffled from the blankets.

Dean sits beside the mass of blankets making the bed dip to his side. He puts a hand over the mass and pats it down hard enough to let her know that it was there.

"What's going on? You sick?" Dean asks trying to locate where Y/N's head was it the heap.

"No..." She mumbled and pulled the blankets up higher.

"Come on Y/N, are you on your period? I'll get you some chocolate." Dean compromised, desperately wanting to see the beautiful face that brought him joy every day.

"If I told you, you would think I'm being a stuck up brat." Y/N huffed, loosening the blankets a bit.

Dean would never think Y/N would be a stuck up brat. She's the girl who's sugar, spice, and everything's nice! She's the girl that would go out of her way just to cheer someone up, and she put everyone else before herself. She was the essence of perfection.

He shook his head, disappointed in himself. Dean likes Y/N, heck he loves her down to every atom that makes her up! But she was taken by some other jerk that didn't even treat her right. Dean couldn't just approach her, she wasn't really interested in him. That's only what he thought though.

"Just tell me." He cooed softly and used the advantage of the loose blankets to crawl into the bed and lie mere inches away from Y/N's warm body.

Her shoulders quivered and shook, Dean knew something was definitely wrong. He put a hand on her shoulder as if for permission to touch her, Y/N immediately turned around and burrowed herself into deans chest, beginning to sob and cry.

Dean pulled her closer and kept one hand on the small of her back and one under Y/N's head, supporting her. She fisted deans white shirt and inhaled his spicy cologne. The cologne was always Y/N's favorite, she had tried to make her boyfriend wear it by getting it as a Christmas present for him but he ignored it much like everything Y/N did for him. Her boyfriend was a utter basturd really, she wasn't crying over grieve that she broke up with him, it was mostly that she didn't have something to keep Dean off her mind. She cried even more because he was in her bed, hugging her for comfort when really he's the problem in this whole kerfufel.

"I-I broke up-up with my stup-stupid boyf-friend." Y/N choked, wiping her soaked cheeks quickly. 

"That son of a bitch.." Dean muttered, his teeth clenched with anger towards the shithead.

"P-please d-Dean leave it it alone." Y/N pleaded and sighed trying to stop her diaphragm from shaking vigorously. Dean tilted her head up with his thumb and forefinger making them join eye contact. Her big (eye colour) eyes were watery and red, it broke Dean to see Y/N in such a state.

"Don't ever think you'd be terrible to break up with that asshat. You deserve better Y/N." Dean said, his tone strong yet gentle. Y/N smoothed out his shirt, feeling every muscle and groove. She leaned in and took his lips with hers, kissing him like it was her right to. Dean recovered from his surprise and took over, letting off all the built up steam worrying about Y/N into this kiss. They separated panting with tinted cheeks.

"Wow." Dean panted, surprised that something like that would ever happen.

"D-Dean I'm sorry I shouldn't have-" Y/N rushed to wipe her eyes once more.

"No,no it was great! Oh-well, I mean-" Dean stuttered, panic overthrowing him.

"Dean I love you." She rushed, stopping deans calamity of words. It was silent for a moment before Dean smashed his lips into Y/N's.

"You get another beer, some more pie, and meet me back in this bed." she commanded, tracing along deans muscles. While he ran out of the room on a mission Y/N cleaned up the room by putting things where they were before, throwing out trash and sorting clothes into dirty piles or folding them back. By the time Dean had returned the room was clean once again and the bed was waiting.

That night there was no sex, only two special people in love talking about how much they love one another or funny stories that made the other laugh. They cuddled and by the end of the night Y/N forgot all about her old boyfriend, because she had a much better one now.

Hope you enjoyed, this was just a fluffy imagine. Please vote and comment. A little news to yous~ I won't be making a part 3 family imagine, because there's going to be a whole book about it by TerryThomas828 which is coming soon so don't fret. Love yous!


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