Dean Imagine

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For @mamisue87 

Imagine the reader hasn't seen sam and dean in years, her appearance has changed drastically (the colours will be specific due to the request but feel free to change whatever colour/style you like. Enjoy)

Sam and dean walked, more like limped into the bar across from their ratty motel. After killing 3 werewolves there was bound to be scratches and bruises, but it was certainly enough for the boys to handle. A couple drinks and a good 4-5 hours of sleep would do them good after their chaotic evening. 

The bar was normal scenery, a few drunks trying to sing along to the song holding a beer up to the sky and the rest mindlessly munching on peanuts or pretzels on the counter for them to help themselves to. Sam sighed softly as he took a well earned seat in a booth while Dean got a few beers. Sam winced slightly as he brought his bag up to the table and pulled his laptop out, quite pooped. Dean came back with the beers and by that time Sam was already searching up new cases to rush off to. 

"Come on dude, give it a rest for the night." Dean sighed rolling his eyes.

"I can't Dean, monsters don't stop unless we stop them." Sam retorted and swigged his beer.

"Just take the night off! C'mon man. When was the last time you had a girl?" Dean rose an eyebrow and looked around the bar, there was a few women, one that sat at the bar picking her nose, another looking to rip anyone's head off if they took a step closer, and a few more here and there. 

"Yeah, no thanks." Sam rolled his eyes having scanned the bar along with his brother. Dean shrugged and swigged his beer, absentmindedly bobbing his head to the hard rock in the background. The bar door creaked open as someone came in and ordered a drink, the brothers hadn't taken notice thinking it was some trucker. Hearing a female voice Sams eyes slowly moved from his computer screen to the bar, curious as to who, or what walked in. At first Sam shrugged it off, but his eyes looked back up to stare at the girl, wondering why he was so puzzled. She did look familiar somehow. Then it hit him. 

Sam kicked his brothers shin making dean whine in pain, though Sams suggestive motions for dean to look behind him proved a point, so of course Dean did. He rose an eyebrow looking at said girl sam was motioning to and grinned. "Nice one Sammy. Huuungry eeeeeeeyyyyeeeees~" Dean sang teasing his brother, though that earned him another kick.

"OW what the heck Sam??"

"Look closer Dean!" Sam said sharply

"Whhhaaattttt?" Dean groaned and looked again, she had black hair, was quite beautiful. Gorgeous actually. She looked sort of familiar but nothing was really sparking a flame for Dean. After a few straight minutes of staring Dean turned back to Sam. "So its her boobs right?" This time Dean got a smack upside the head. He flinched and frowned. "WHAT THE HECK?!" 

"You're an ass you know?" The girl smiled at Dean, but he still looked to her like she was crazy. "Do I know you?" Dean frowned looking at Sam who found it quite a riot that dean was so slow. 

"Do I know you?" The girl mocked in a low voice. "You actually don't remember me?"


"Its Y/N, Dean!" Sam threw his hands out to Y/N, exaggerating the point that it was her. 

"Pfft. Y/N is a blond chick, and she- wait what?" Dean looked to her again and scanned her over, his eyes widening. "Woah...damn..." he mumbled as words fell from his mouth. The last time they saw each other was years back when Y/N has a totally different appearance, she used to have blond hair and a much softer face, but years of hunting certainly changes people. 

"Yeah." Y/N chuckled at his reaction. "So I'm thinking you two took down those werewolves." she cocked an eyebrow slightly and Sam nodded, he chat a bit with her as Dean was speechless, his mouth opening but shutting right up again.

No one quite knew how it happened, but after sam left for the motel one minute Dean and Y/N were talking in the bar and the next minute they were in the impala's back seat, kissing rather passionately. Lessons learned that day was Y/N and Dean were not to be separated beyond that day, that even with change Y/N still looked as beautiful as ever to Dean and plenty others, and that hey, change can be smoking hot!

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