TFW Imagine

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Team Free Will helps you celebrate your birthday (and a little casxreader too)

You wake up to light streaming through your curtains, and it was quiet enough to hear the wood creaking throughout the bunker. That was eery but you decided to roll over and try to get a little more shut eye.

You slowly snoozed off but was rudely awaken by someone jumping on you. You snap your eyes open and look at the face that is only inches from yours. Castiel had jumped on you and trapped your body between his legs and arms creating a cage.

Your cheeks are painted a pink as he smiled, leaning the smallest bit closer, his eyes sparkling like diamonds in a sea of blue.


Cas is suddenly shoved away and he rolled onto the other side of the bed, and before you could get up Dean had replaced Cas in the same position.

"I can't let you have it all cas." Dean said and smiled smugly.

You felt angry that Dean did that and kneed him in the groin and stomach, then pushed him off and ran down the hall heading for the staircase.

"We've got a runner!" You hear dean say from your room. What the hell were they doing? You thought.

Sam came sliding out of his room and quickly scooped you up in a bear hug before you could do anything. So you weren't being dragged across the floor between Sam's legs you wrapped your legs around his torso and buried your head in the crook of his neck.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" You ask giggling a bit.

He didn't fully answer but made weird sounds such as "arghhhh" or "gafergablur" until he finally brought you back to your room.

He spun you around and a party hat was strung onto your head, then they all sang happy birthday. (Well Cas just smiled and nodded every once in a while.) You smiled as they led you downstairs, to where the living room was decorated and all your favorite foods were sprawled onto the table.

"Thank you so much guys!" You exclaimed while each giving the boys a hug.

"I actually forgot it was my birthday today..." You trailed off.

"It was all my idea." Dean said confidently, and Sam gave him a glare.

Sam walked over to some speakers and pressed play on his phone. A playlist of all your favorite songs came on and you immediately started dancing around and stuffing food in your pie hole.

Throughout the day all four of you were partying, dancing, eating, and you even had a water balloon fight. Cas cleaned everything up with a snap of the fingers and then Sam declaired it was present time.

"Guys you really didn't need to get me anything. Today let alone was amazing." You say smiling.

"Nonsense. Mine first!" Dean said plopping a decorative bag infront of you. You opened it up to reveal the hand pistol you had wanted from a magazine for a long time and a couple of chocolate bars.

"Oh my god dean thank you so much!" You said throughing your arms around his neck. He chuckled and you moved on to Sam's.

He had gotten you some flanels that looked like his, so you would be twinzies since you would steal his and wear it on lazy days or when doing research.

You giggled and thanked him, also giving him a hug. (I know so much mushy stuff)

"Thank you so muvh gu-" you were interupted by Castiel.

"You haven't opened my present." He said squinting a little.

"Cas you really didn't have to." You say blushing as he hands you the small box.

You unravel the purple ribbon and open the box to reveal a silver necklace with a angel wings charm. You gasped at its beauty and lifted it up to get a better look. The wings sparkled when the light shined on it, making it look as if they were real.

He took the necklace gently from your hands and walked around to your back. He strung the necklace around your neck and attached it at the back. Cas bent down and purred in your ear with the voice that made you melt;

"Its because you'll always be my angel."

Did i make you mad by ending it there? I made myself angry somehow but whatever. Hope you enjoyed please vote and comment :)


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