Castiel Imagine

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Request from Megcollins2093

Imagine the reader is heavily pregnant and TFW will not let her do anything

Your eyes snapped open and your hand slapped against your swollen stomach as if turning off an alarm clock.

"Is the baby kicking again?" a gruff voice asked behind you. You recognized the voice of castiel's, your loving husbands. you nodded. "Yes Cas, it's their wake up call." you chuckled slightly. Every morning the baby would wake you up at a certain time with a sharp kick to the ribs. Whether it was for food, rubs, you don't know but ever since you started the eighth month of pregnancy you didn't need an alarm clock anymore, the baby had since replaced it.

Cas nodded behind you, he kissed the back of your neck with his eternally soft lips and reached around, rubbing soothing circles on the parts of your belly that he could reach. "The baby loves your morning rubs." You smiled, once castle started rubbing your stomach the baby never acted up until hours later. He hummed deeply in agreement and you sat up after having cuddled with Cas for a while, your stomach grumbling meant a sign that it was time to eat something or soon someone would be dead on the ground. Dean had once made the mistake of playing with you before breakfast and it was a miracle he didn't have to be taken to hospital. Ever since then he as well as Sam have been wise enough not to mess with you. Once again only one minute of walking and your feet dully ached as usual, making it to the kitchen you sat down and with a flap of wings can was present and putting a plate of (your favourite mouth watering delicious breakfast) and a nice cup of herbal tea to wash it down. Cas did this everyday, but more then usual he was getting something before you could, if you suggested something he's have it in his hand in a flash, or if he wasn't home Sam and Dean were your personal slaves to which they knew if they weren't they would be six feet under with can still kicking their ass.

"Cas baby, you know I can eat my own breakfast." you cocked an eyebrow as he held up the fork stalked full of food to your lips. "I know you're physically capable to eat your breakfast. I'd just like to help you." He responded, you gave up knowing Cas wasn't the type to give up easily. It was a true luxury to be treated with such kindness but you were carrying the baby, not the actual baby.

After breakfast you got up and waddled down the hall, there wasn't much to do since the bunker was clean so you headed to the library to go through some files or perhaps read a book you haven't. Sam was also in the library, upon you entering he pulled out the chair, asked if you wanted anything, even offered you his book.

"Calm down Sam I'm fine, what is with everyone today?" You shook your head in bewilderment as to why sam was so timid towards you. He was a 6'5 moose for christ's sake, acting as if you were a hunter with a cocked shotgun. You got up with a slight heave of breath to go get a book you had in mind but one step from the table and you were nose deep in a trench coat.

"Is this the book you were looking for?" Cas held up the book indeed you were thinking about reading. "Cas I told you not to use that mind thing on me! I can get a book if I want to or make my breakfast if I want to!" You frowned and took the book, reluctantly pecking him on the cheek though you were trying to stay mad at him. Points didn't really stick with Cas, you could get mad for a moment but his eyes and little frown completely broke your heart so the angry tidbit would never last.

You waddled out of the library to go plant your gluteus Maximus on the beloved couch with one hand supporting under your belly. Dean had clearly been here due to the screwy blanket crumbled on the couch, two burger wrappers and a jumbo pop cup empty on the coffee table beside. Shaking your head you began cleaning up his mess, collecting his wrappers and going to the kitchen to throw them out.

Suddenly out of the blue like most of your other cravings you wanted something. Something crunchy, sweet...pickles. You stuffed your face in the fridge and finally found a jar of those pruny cucumbers. The lid decided to have a dispute and not open for you. You growled and tried again but the lid just wouldn't budge.

"Here lemme." Dean said as he entered seeing you struggling and having a one sided curse war with the jar. "I got it Dean." you said trying again but the dang thing wouldn't budge. Ignoring your warning dean took the jar from your hand when you relaxed and thats when you broke.

"I SAID I DIDNT NEED ANY HELP WHY DOESNT ANYONE LISTEN! LAY OFF DEAN!" You yelled out of the blue. By the time you finished Dean was cowering behind the kitchen table and Cas and sam ran and skidded across the floor expecting to pull a savage Y/N off of poor dean. 

For about one minute everyone was just staring back each other, Sam and Dean shooting each other worried looks at you looked like you wanted to rip someones head off. "What the heck is going on with you guys?! I can't do one bloody thing without you guys hovering over me!" You growled slightly. Taking a few deep breaths you managed to calm significantly but you were still very upset.

Cas swallowed hard, he was the first to speak up. "We don't want the baby hurt or you overworking yourself considering you're 8 months 24 days, 17 hours, 56 minutes and 49 seconds into final term." He sheepishly said. You tilted your head slightly, you knew what he meant its just that it was kind of a stupid point.

Sam cleared his throat. "What we mean is we just want you to relax, the baby could come soon you know?" Dean nodded quickly and flashed an nervous but goofy grin. Not being able to stay pissed at that trio you smiled softly. 

"okay, thanks guys...but seriously, I know my limit and when I get to it I will tell you. I was scared you were going to resort to wiping my butt when I use the washroom." You joked. There was an awkward pause, yet Cas looked completely serious which kind of scared you.

"If that is a duty that a husband preforms then its my job to do so." Cas stated quite seriously. 

"Sam, you explain some things to Cas, Dean open this jar." You thrust the jar of pickles forward. 

"But you just said you didn't want help." Dean frowned. 

"Well I'm at my limit now." you stuck your tongue out at Dean as Cas turned around and gave him a deathly stare to which he gladly obliged and opened the jar.

"I love you Cas, but just remember if I want something I'll ask you, 'kay?"

Cas nodded happily. "I love you too. You and our baby." He smiled and caressed your big baby bump with his gentle touch.

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