TFW Imagine

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Imagine TFW and the god squad are girls

For @hannahStuhryler sorry I'm such a bad person :,(

P.s. I know this isn't realistic but let's just say the bunker is open to everyone and everyone is sorta friends.

"Sam!" A high pitched voice yelled which echoed through the empty bunker halls.

Another high pitched squeak answered deans, or should I say Deana's.

Dean's small feet padded along the hallway to Sam's room, where he found the same situation standing in baggy clothes staring into the mirror.

"What the hell Dean-" Sam's high voice chattered, but changed to even more worried when Dean had to transformed into a girl.

Sam stood tall with long wavy brown hair, much lankier then before. Her facial features hadn't changed much but she was still a very attractive woman.

Dean on the other hand had short, dirty blond hair about shoulder length. Her cheek bones were even more defined then normal, her bobbed hair casting a shadow.

Y/N rushed in, for she too had changed.

"Sa- oh god my voice!" Y/N said holding her throat, worried why she had woken up in another gender.

The two females stood staring at the new Y/N. Y/N was buff but not ripped, he was skinny and taller then before, and God did his face change. He looked like he could be a worlds top model without even trying.

"Dean." A no longer raspy voice caught everyone's attention, ending the staring fest.

"I seemed to have changed genders, But I cannot change back. Now I have breasts and a v-" Castiel said pointing to his large chest.

"Yeah I know Cas!" Dean pointed out, interrupting Cas.

"We all were affected by whatever this is, and that's what we gotta find out. Go into my room and borrow some clothes, Sam I'm gonna use yours for now." Y/N grumbled looking down to her very tight clothes.

"Dean I'm sure you know a lot about bras, you seem to be throwing them at the back of the impala a lot." Y/N remarked, glaring at the smirking green eyed girl.


Once awkwardly settled in Sam, Y/N and Dean began to research why this could have happened to them. Castiel disappeared looking for anyone else who might have been affected.

"What the bloody hell is going on here!" A screechy voice broke the silence, appearing out of no where.

A pissing looking short woman, about the age of 40 wearing a black suit jacket and skirt was standing with her hands on her hips in the middle of the library.

"Crowley?" You asked, but was cut short by being flown across the room and into a bookcase.

"Who else? Now what the hell did you do to me?" She yelled again, making the other  two girls sprint into the room.

"Take it easy Crowley! It happened to us too!" You tried to calm her, which worked when she realized you weren't well, a girl anymore.

After explaining quite a bit to Crowley, then having Balthazar and Lucifer pop in to made you repeat yourself over and over again.

All of them had also been affected by the gender swap, and all of them were fed up. There was high tension in the room, a hand full of girls and one hunk all staring at one another.

"I think it was Gabriel." Y/N said quieting the small chatter.

"Yeah where is he?" Luci spoke up, crossing her arms.

"I say we summon that son of a bitch and make him changed us back." Dean suggested, making everyone in the room nod.

"Whatever deana." Sam snickered, earning a 'bitch' but responding with a 'jerk'.

A ring of holy oil was cast on the dark oak floor and the ritual began, setting various herbs in a dish and mumbling some Latin mumbo jumbo.

"Evening sweeties." Gabriel's cocky voice rang out. Crowley snapped her fingers and the ring went up in flames around the mischievous angel.

"What the heckles! What happened to you guys?" Gabe asked throwing his hands out.

"Cut the crap Gabe. We know you did this." Sam said, her classic bitch face showing its prime.

"Ya got me! Wow, Deana and Samantha, Castiel, Crowley, luci, ah and Y/N. 'All enjoying my trick I see." He chuckles and smiles at all the frowning faces.

"Don't you like it?" He questions. "Seeing how it feels to be the opposite gender, you should respect them now. Especially the ladies." He gave Y/N a wink and licked his lips.

"Alright cranky pants, it wears off tomorrow. Just fall asleep and wake up brand new." He said plainly, rolling his eyes.

After a minute or two and a sigh from Gabriel the holy oil was blown out and the Angels and demon disappeared. You were left in the bunker again looking in the mirror and flexing endlessly before the glorious spell wore off.

Sorry if this was so bad, I've been really stressed lately and I'm so sorry it came out so late Hannah. Sorrrrrrry. :.(


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