Part 3: Ruby's New Roommate + The Real Truth..

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Uma: Ruby, I think you need to meet your roommate.. Let's leave Chloe and Red Charming to their shenanigans... *giggles*

Ruby: Red.. Charming?! THATS SO CUTE OH MY GOD- *hysterically laughing*

*Ruby and Chloe try to hide their faces which are now red*

Uma: Let's go , I think we're third and fourth wheeling right now.

Ruby: HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA *grabs Uma's arm and runs out the room*

*In the hallway*

Uma: So... What did you think?

Ruby: About what? There's a lot of things about that interaction to think about.

Uma: You know which thing i'm talking about.

Ruby: Red and that girl? "Chlo?"

Uma: Yep.. Do you want the backstory now?

Ruby: Fine.

Uma: When your sister came to Auradon, she was just like you. She met Chloe, Cinderella's daughter, and they saved Auradon basically. They went back in time to stop your mom from becoming really mean, apparently. Soon after they fell and love and well.. you saw how they were.

Ruby: *Sarcasm* Oh, how sweet.

Uma: Give it time, they'll both warm up eventually. I don't think Red liked how you called Chloe cute, unfortunately.

Ruby: Well if I had known what you were gonna tell me had to do with her romance story-

Uma: That's on you... Now we need to speed up.. Let's go.


*Red is pacing up and down, unsure of what to think about this situation.*

Chloe: Red... Cmon.. Sit down... You need to relax.

Red: *sits down on her bed* It just doesn't make sense.. Why didn't Mom tell me?

Chloe: Maybe she wanted it to be a surprise... *she takes Red's hand and puts it between both of hers*

Red: True... but like... I thought she would have changed a little more when it came to that stuff.

Chloe: We've done the best we could. If it weren't for the both of us, Auradon would be under the Queen's rule and my mom would be dead.

Red: Yeah...

Chloe: I think Ruby will do just fine if we just guide her.

Red: She literally hit on you. What.

Chloe: It's obvious she didnt know. It's also pretty clear that Principal Uma tried to tell her about us. She probably didn't want to know, which makes sense. She hadn't even met you before now.

Red: You're so smart. *smiles*

Chloe: Oh come on... Let's go outside and get some fresh air. It's our week off from school after all.. *pushes Red off the bed*

Red: Heyyy!- *gets up and pushes Chloe off*

(We're gonna leave it at that for now, sorry glassheart lovers!)


Uma: You're going to be hanging out with Queen Mal's daughter, Maven.

Ruby: Mal had a daughter?

Uma: She's adopted just like you were! But somehow Mal was able to pass on some her powers- When Mal, Ben, Jay, and Evie went on their expedition, Maven decided to stay behind.

Ruby: Hopefully we get along.. I guess.

Uma: You will. It won't be like Red and her surprise girlfriend... Don't worry!

*knocks on the door*

Uma: Knock Knock Maven; Auntie's here with your new roommate!

*A girl in purple hair and awfully cool clothing opens the door, her eyes are grey-green just like Mal's but she somehow isn't her actual daughter*

Maven: Oh hello there! Your name is?

Ruby: Ruby. Nice to meet you.

Maven: You're dressed just like Red!

Ruby: I'm her.. Adopted sister.

Maven: Ohh!! Cool! I'm adopted too that's crazy.

Uma: I'll leave you guys to it. *Runs off*

(Ruby walks in and is amazed... the room was already decorated; one side purple and the other side red)

Maven: Auntie said my roomie loved the color red... so I decided to decorate the other side of this room for you!

Ruby: That's so nice of you!! I have a question.. Why do you call Principal Uma "Auntie?" Mal and Uma aren't related... Right?

Maven: Well, Mal and Uma are super close... So I've just gotten attached *shrugs*

Ruby: Oh... that makes a lot of sense!

Maven: Yeah!

Ruby: *pauses* So wait, you know Red?

Maven: Not exactly... Not many people mess with her ever since Chloe... yeah.. I don't know if you've met her already or heard the story.

Ruby: Oh, I have... your aunt told me the story. That girl really protective... I kinda fear her. *covers her eyes*

Maven: You're not the only one. Every time a guy tries to go for Chloe, Red beats him up..

Ruby: Omg.

Maven: I know, she was alright at first but the confession completely changed her. Talk about overprotective jealous girlfriend issues.

Ruby: I know right? I went to their room to meet Red and it was really awkward. Chloe was nice though.. Maybe I should have thought twice before calling her cute.

Maven: YOU DID WHAT???

Ruby: I didn't know Red- Principal Uma tried to tell me but I didn't want to listen... I hardly know the girl.

Maven: If you were anyone else you would have been dead. You're lucky you're her sister... You really did get off the hook.

Ruby: *Sighs* I hope she doesn't hate me... Ever since Bridget adopted me i've been waiting to meet my sister and truly bond.

Maven: Knowing Chloe, she's probably going to make Red snap out of it... I wouldn't worry.

Ruby: Red let you guys be friends???!!

Maven: Well- not really.. Chloe helps out at my classes sometimes, so that's how I know her.

Ruby: Okay, fair fair.... Anyways moving on... What's your favorite song? 🙂

*The girls chat until eventually they both fall asleep... The sun rises and a new day begins*

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