Part 10.5: Red's Secret Plan

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*It's several months after Ruby came to Auradon, and she's been doing well in all of her classes thanks to Chloe, Maven, and Red! But, one day while the four of them were on a picnic, Red pulls Ruby aside to have a very important conversation... what's in store this time for Ruby?*

Red: sis, I need your help.

Ruby: YOU need MY help? Are you feeling okay?

Red: I'm completely okay... let's just walk over here though so nobody can hear us.

Ruby: Oh dear... you're isolating yourself from your own girlfriend... This has to be bad. *Rolls her eyes*

Red: N-no it's not! Hehe.

Ruby: Okay then get to the damn point!

(Red drops her voice down to a whisper): If I ask you for help, do you PROMISE not to say anything to anybody? 

Ruby: FINE. Why are we whispering dude.

Red: I was.. *trails off*

Ruby: What?

Red: I'm going to say this really really quickly because I'm really embarrassed but I need your advice because I really want to marry Chlo but I don't know how to ask her... *gulp*


Red: SHHH. Yes. *blushes*

Ruby: I don't even have a significant other or have any experience in romance and you're asking ME? Haha.

Red: Yeah, I mean for someone who's 14 turning 15 soon you're a smart person.

Ruby: Gee, thanks. 

Red: No problem. Back to the main situation...

Ruby: This is out of my wisdom circle but I'll try.. First step... wait a second?

Red: What happened?

Ruby: You're gonna propose to Chloe but you haven't even told Mom yet?

Red: Oh... dear. *her eyes widen*

Ruby: Before I say anything else.. It's time to tell Mom girly.

Red: ....

Ruby: it's gonna be hard but you're gonna have to do it. 

Red: I was afraid of this.

Ruby: Mom's reformed, what could go wrong?

Red: Still. Risky.

Ruby: SHE'S YOUR MOM... She's biologically your mom too so you have a deeper chance then I do at this sort of stuff. Red. Come on.

Red: Next week?

Ruby: Tomorrow. that's final. We're going to visit her. No arguing.

Red: Man... With Maven and Chloe or no?

Ruby: They're gonna have to stay here. We can't let Chloe find out. 

Red: Are you absolutely sure this is the best way to go?

Ruby: You wanted my help, so now you're getting it. Let's head back now before anyone gets suspicious.

Red: Okay?

(The girls walk back to the picnic area)

Maven: You guys ran off in a hurry?

Red: We had to make a decision.

Chloe: What was it cutie?

Ruby: Tomorrow Red and I are going to visit our mom as a little bonding trip. 

Maven: Oh, that sounds fun! Your mom is gonna be really surprised!

Red: Chloe, is it okay with you? Maven will stay too of course... Sorry it's on such short notice, Bluey. *takes her hand and plants a kiss*

Chloe(while blushing): It's okay! You guys need sister time... haha.

Ruby: Hehe. *Looks at Red and winks*

Maven: Are we missing a joke?

Red: Nah... we're messing around. 

Chloe: Obviously..

Ruby: Let's enjoy the time we have now, i guess!

*They all hang out until the sun sets and it's time to get inside and go to bed*

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