Part 5: Ruby and Maven Have an Idea (And Get Traumatized While Executing It)

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Ruby: That was honestly really nice of them.

Maven: I bet you it was Chloe's idea.

Ruby: At least they tried..

Maven: How about we both make them a little something to hang on their wall?

Ruby: That's such a good idea! But.. I'm not all that creative.

Maven: Red. Hearts. Chloe. Slippers. A picture frame perhaps? Maybe print one of their photos from their posts and put it in there?

Ruby: You're a genius!! You definitely get it from your mom.

Maven: Awww.. Thank you! *smiles*

Maven: Shall we get to work then?

Ruby: Yes!!!! 🙌

*Maven and Ruby work on the picture frame.. an hour later ,the finished product is red and blue slippers and hearts with a cute picture of Chloe and Red inside*

Maven: Wow, see? It looks amazing because we did it together!

Ruby: I hope they like it...

Maven: Do you want to deliver it to them now and leave it on one of the the beds with a note or something? Usually Red and Chloe go out for walks a lot so I don't think they went back.

Ruby: Unless they were feeling frea.... ~Never mind.

Maven: YOU'RE JOKING... finish it.

Ruby: No. No point if you already knew what I was going to say.

Maven: Come on then, let's go and deliver it!!! *takes Ruby's arm and they both start to strut off..*

Maven: *stops outside the door* I actually don't know the way. *pauses*

Ruby: Uma brought me here from their room.. I can remember the way haha.

(They arrive at Chloe and Red's room and hear some.. questionable stuff.)

Maven: Umm do you hear that.


Maven: SHUT UP GIRLIE.. You're being too loud.

Ruby: *drops her voice down* Oh my god wtf are they making out..

Maven: I'm actually scared right now.. it could be fake though?.... *watery smile*

Ruby: Mave darling, all due respect they're dating it's probably real.

Maven: Wouldn't it be funny if we like broke in...

Ruby: Heck yeah. *tries to open the door*

Maven: Shit, it's locked.

Ruby: I dare you to knock really loudly.

Maven: You clearly don't know me.


(From inside)

Red: oh fuck who could that be...

Chloe: Oh no please let it be just past Bridget and Ella...

Ruby (From outside): damn I hear them.. they're panicking- oh.

*Chloe opens the door*

Maven: Umm... Were we interrupting anything...? *Raises an eyebrow*

*Red comes up to the door and looks disheveled, there's marks all over her chest, and it looks like she just threw on a t shirt in the past two seconds*

Red: It's you guys.. Oh no. 

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