Part 13: Reunited

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(We're in Chloe and Maven's perspective.. they are in Chloe's room. Red and Ruby are out getting the rings)

Chloe: I wonder what caused the sudden trip to their mom.

Maven: Who knows.

Chloe: They didn't even explain why they went?

Maven: Um, they probably just missed their mom a lot...

Chloe: Yeah that's probably it. I just miss Red a lot.

Maven: Well, I can check where they are. You don't have Red's location? Surprising. I have Ruby's.

Chloe: Oh- I do! I never thought about checking- *starts to open her phone*

Maven: Don't sweat it. i'll just check myself. 

Chloe: Oh thanks.

(Maven's eyes widen once she realizes they had left some jewelry store a bunch of minutes ago)

Maven: Oh- T-they're on their way back.. 

Chloe: Oh alright. I texted Red earlier so I was just curious.

Maven: Mmm. Okay. *Sits down on the chair and keeps staring at the phone*

Maven(thoughts): Um. Why were they at a jewelry store? They'll probably tell me. Righttt? Okay. Moving on.


Chloe: Come in.

*Red and Ruby enter*

Chloe: ROSEYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! *Jumps up on Red and kisses her*

Red: Heyyyyy!

(Ruby and Maven are currently side eyeing each other)

Ruby: Hi- *trying not to giggle*

Maven: Hey *keeping her laugh in*

Ruby: Ya'll lovebirds want us to go or nahh? *smirk*

Chloe: Ehhh you're good. You guys wanna watch a show?

*Maven's eyes dart to Ruby's and she just shrugs*

Maven: Sure why not.

*Red turns on the TV and puts on A good girl's guide to murder*

(Ruby and Maven's eyes are on Chloe and Red while they get under the covers on Red's bed)

Maven: Check your phone.

Ruby: Ok.

<purple dragon jr> Do you think we should keep an eye on them

<RUBY> I kinda need to tell you something important when we get back. Let's watch one episode and head out. For now we definitely need to watch these two.

<purple dragon jr> Okay.

*There's silence (apart from Red and Chloe whispering)for a bunch of minutes but out of nowhere Chloe groans*

Maven: Uhm.... you good over there?

Chloe: Y-yea-


<Ruby Jewel :)> um, i think they're doing something under those sheets..

<MAVEN>  how do you know

<Ruby Jewel :)> why else would chloe start moaning out of nowhere

<MAVEN> oh fuck no we're leaving right now.

<Ruby Jewel :)> yes pls i wanna get outta here

*Ruby gets up*

Ruby: I just remembered I um have to go to some homeworkkkk!! Yeah. Totally.

*Red just nods*

Maven: Byeeeeee!!! *grabs Ruby and runs off*

*They go back to their room*

Ruby(while walking into the room): Red wants to marry Chloe. We just went and bought the rings, and the reason why we went to see my mom was to tell her.

Maven: WHAT?! 

Ruby: Mhm.

Maven: No way.

Ruby: Yeaa.. Red asked me for advice so I'm helping her out a little.

Maven: is that why you guys were at the jewelry shop?

Ruby: Mhm.

Maven: Did you actually do your homework or no.. because it's due tomorrow.

Ruby: Oh shit!

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