Part 12: Queen's Response

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*Red and Ruby emerge into Wonderland..*

Red: Wow.. it's a lot more lively then last time I was here.

Ruby: I know... Mom changed it up.

Red: That's good at least.

*They walk for a little while and reach the front door to the castle, there's a guard there*

GUARD: Oh, it's you two! Back for a visit?

Ruby: Yup. We'd like it if you let us in to see our mother, thanks.

GUARD: Okay.

*The door opens*

Red: Woah.. a lot more pink in here.. what a difference.

Ruby: Haha.

*They walk around for a little while and then they open the door to the main room, QUEEN Bridget is on the other side*

Bridget: Oh! Who is that?



*Ruby runs over holding Red's left hand*

Ruby: Hi mom!!! We came to visit.

 Bridget(While pulling both girls into a tight hug): How are you guys doing??? This is such a nice surprise!!!

Red: Hi mom, we're both doing good. We just decided to come visit you for the weekend because you're probably lonely out here and stuff.

Bridget: It is lonely, but busy! Lots of queenly duties to take care of.

Ruby: Makes sense.

Bridget: Come on in and sit down!! You've had such a long journey.

*Red and Ruby flop down on a couch and the queen sits on a nice chair in front of them*

Bridget: It's so nice to see you guys! It's been months since i've seen you Ruby, and a year and a half since i've seen Red! 

Red: We missed you.

*Bridget smiles and plays with the deck of cards in her hand*

Bridget: How's school going for the both of you?

Red: It's great. I'm going to be graduating early due to.. passing classes and stuff. 

Ruby: I've been getting a lot of help. It's going really great!

Bridget: That's good! Red, how's Chloe doing?

*Ruby is a little panicked but hides her emotion; Red is trying her hardest not to blush*

Red: She's great... we've become.. besties.

Bridget: It's good you found a friend in Auradon.

Ruby: I agree.

Bridget: Ruby, how's your friend doing?

Ruby: She's good. We've been busy studying for exams and all of that so we're helping each other out as it goes.

Bridget: I see.. oh look at the time. I think we should get to eating now. Come on, let's go!

*The family eat some lunch and go about their day; yes, the sisters skipped breakfast. It's now night*

(Ruby and Red are in Red's room talking now...)

Red: That was rough. 

Ruby: You need to do it before you go to bed. No arguing.

Red: No.

Ruby: Yes.

Red: Ruby please.

Ruby: You wanted my help? You're getting it. Plus if you don't do this first I'm not gonna help you with anything else. The sooner it's done.. the sooner the next step is given to you. This is absolutely needed. 

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