Part 7: Red and Chloe Talk With the Girls Separately.. (For once)

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Red: Walk with me.

Ruby: I have so many questions.

Red: I know. Did you tell Mom anything about Chloe and me?...

Ruby: I haven't even gotten the chance to talk to her yet.

Red: Look.... It's not what it seems. You don't know Chlo and me's past.

Ruby: Don't even try it. Principal Uma told me. I know more than you think hun.

Red: Oh darn it of course she did.

Ruby: Do you think Mom will be mad?

Red: Maybe if she was the old Mom then she would be. She did say back then "Love ain't it..."

Ruby: Oh... It's good I only knew her when she was reformed.

Red: You took the whole bedroom thing surprisingly well. How old are you?

Ruby: Um. 14.

Red: Wait woah you're really mature for your age.

Ruby: Yeah no kidding.

Red: Is Mom.. nice to you?

Ruby: She's really nice.. To everyone. Me, the kingdom, she speaks really fondly of you.

Red: Aww.

Ruby: She loves you and wouldn't care who you were dating, i'm sure of it.

Red: Yeah...*zones out*

Ruby: Now it's my turn to ask... Have you and Chloe gotten that into it before?

Red: Never. It's mostly flirty but never that bad. I don't know what came over me. I'm a bad role model.

Ruby: You're legal sis, chill! I got your back.

Red (smiling): Thanks... sister.

*they walk to Ruby's room and chat for a long while.. their bond is strengthened*


Chloe: That was embarrassing.

Maven: It's fine don't sweat it..

Chloe: I literally help out in your "magic of math" class. This must be so weird for you.

Maven (staring): It's fine. Chloe. Believe me.

Chloe: How are you so cool about this?

Maven: Ever since Mom and Dad went away connecting all the far off lands. i've been able to train myself to not get affected and impacted by stuff.

Chloe: It must have been rough.... *rubs her face, neck, and chest with water, because they're stained with RED lipstick*

Maven: Oh.. we made this for you guys as a thank you for being so kind earlier. *Hands Chloe the picture frame*

Chloe: Oh my gosh this is so cute!!! I'm hanging it right in the middle of our beds. Thank you so much Maven!

Maven: You're welcome.

Chloe: Maven..

Maven: What?

Chloe: So you don't care that me and Red are dating?

Maven: No not really?

Chloe: we're the only "different" relationship in the whole school.

Maven: I know what you mean.. You guys probably feel judged constantly. Me personally, I didn't care too much when I heard the news.

Chloe: My mom doesn't know. I should tell her at some point.. And I don't think Red's mom knows either.

Maven: Give it time.. You need to tell them both when you are comfortable.

Chloe: Can I ask you something?

Maven: Sure?

Chloe: You and Ruby got awfully close in a mere night.. Do you have feelings or something?

Maven (her face turns pink): Umm.. I don't fall in love that easily. Nice try.

Chloe: I was trying to catch you off guard.. It was a joke.

Maven: I know.

Chloe: Does this make us friends?

Maven: Definitely.

Chloe: Yay!!!

(There's a knock on the door, it looks like Red and Ruby are back)

Ruby: Heyy!!!

Maven: Hi!

*Ruby and Maven pull into a wholesome hug while Red kisses Chloe on the cheek*

Chloe: You guys were gone for awfully long..?

Red: Sister stuff, princess.

Maven: Oh shoot.. Ruby, Auntie Uma asked me to show you around Auradon a bit. We have to go.

Ruby: Alright then that still sounds fun. Bye Red, bye Chloe! *Waves awkwardly*

Red and Chloe: Bye!

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