stay beautiful

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"Your eyes are so pretty Kou." You whispered lightly to the boy. Another weekend that you two were spending together. Another day he was back at your door. He was sleeping over once again and you guys were cuddling in your room while watching a movie. Well the movie was on in the background at least. You were just talking about anything that came to mind, the movie long forgotten. He smiled and let out a quiet giggle. 

"Says you." He said as he put one of his hands on your cheek, gently rubbing his thumb under your eye. "You're so pretty N/N." Your cheeks flushed at his comment and you smiled at him. As much as he swore by how beautiful he thought you were, sometimes you didn't feel it. At that moment you felt pretty. You felt important to someone other than your parents. You are in love. And this time you aren't denying it. "I think you're the prettiest girl I've ever met." He whispered lightly, his hand now playing with your hair, making you a little sleepy. "Actually I know you're the prettiest girl I've ever met." He knew. He didn't think there could be any prettier girls out there. 

"You're the most sweetest handsome boy I've met." You responded as your eyes were starting to become heavier. 


"Yeah." You looked up at him and he looked at you with the most love struck look possible. 

"Hi pretty."

"Hi handsome." He glanced at your lips after you were done speaking. "Whatttt?"

"Nothing, just looking at your pretty face." 

"You're so silly!" 

"Mhm." He couldn't kiss you, not yet. It didn't feel like the right time and he wanted it to be special. Hell, you weren't even his. How was he supposed to even talk to you about that? Its obvious you like each other, right? So why won't he ask. It's not like you'd say no, but he can tell your last relationship fucked you up so maybe he just wants you to heel. No. He's just being a wuss puss. 

"Koushi?" You pulled him out of his thoughts about whatever you two had going on. 


"Play with my hair?" When had he stopped? He didn't know, but he happily resumed and you cuddled up to him. "You're warm, like my personal heater." You pulled the blanket up a little further and tried to move even closer. 

"I don't know why you're so cold all the time." He teased, lightly poking your cheek. You shrugged. 

"I'm so sleepy but I wanna stay talking to you." 

"No, I'll be here in the morning, lets sleep." He spoke as he turned off the lamp.

"Okay." You cuddled back up to him and he continued to play with your hair. "Can you just like talk? I know its weird but your voice makes me feel really calm." 

"Yeah of course." He rambled about a show he was watching with his friends and he didn't stop until you were asleep. "Goodnight pretty girl." He whispered, even though he could tell you were asleep. 


short ahh chapter but i felt i needed to update this so maybe ill work on the next chapter tmr when im not uber busy!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28 ⏰

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