Chapter 2

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TW/mentions of eating disorder


I was always an early riser but I felt really nervous which made me get up even earlier than usually. Today was my first full day in the house with everyone else. I got up, got showered and went downstairs. Everyone else was still asleep.

I looked around at all the rooms a bit more. There was a lot of decor everywhere. A lot of it colourful. I feel like Lover would have picked it out.

I decided that I might as well make breakfast. I was busy looking through the cupboards when I heard someone else come downstairs. I turned around and saw 1989.

“Good morning 1989.”

“Good morning to you too. You're up early.”

“Oh. I always wake up early. Just can't sleep in late, you know what I mean.”

“Yeah. So how was your first night here?”

“It was good.”

I didn't want to say it but I was really missing Eve. None of the others were supposed to know about her yet. I'd been here less than a week, well less than a day actually and she's all I could think about. She was my sister and my best friend and things just weren't the same without her. Knowing she wasn't going to be here for a while was difficult to deal with.

“You okay?” 1989 was starting at me curiously.

“Yeah, sorry.”

Our conversation died down a bit while I made pancakes. 1989 scrolled on her phone and I didn't know what else to talk about. I wanted to talk with her but I didn't know what to say.

This was already off to a bad start. I don't know why I couldn't just talk like a normal person. The thoughts in my head started getting louder and louder and I felt a really bad headache coming on.

“Do you have pain pills anywhere?”

“Yeah, hold on.” She got up and pulled out a box from a cupboard handing them to me.

“You feeling okay?”

“Yes, just a headache.” I popped a few pills in my mouth and drank some water. Hopefully they got work to fast.

The others came down soon after and we all ate. Everyone thanked me for cooking. Lover and Debut talked with me a bit but I still felt like I didn't know how to keep conversations going.

1989 didn't eat anything though. I didn't want to say anything in front of everyone else but I decided that I'd ask her about it later.

After breakfast I wrote some stories in my room. I loved writing stories. It was one of my escapes from the world and one of my favourite ways to express myself besides writing songs. After that I decided to pay a visit to 1989. I knocked on her door and waited till she told me to come in.


I always cooked for everyone. Lover helped me during dinner but no one else usually did it. If I cooked, then I didn't have to eat with everyone else. I could just say that I ate while I was cooking and no one would ask me any questions.

This morning, I went downstairs to find Folklore already awake in the kitchen. I was sceptical about having a new album in the house but I liked Folklore so far. She seemed sweet. We chatted a little but then things died down once she started making the pancakes. I don't know if it was something I said or if she doesn't really like talking with people so I didn't push it. I just hoped I didn't offend her.

Thankfully, I managed to avoid eating anything at breakfast since everyone was too busy talking with everyone else or scrolling on their phones. I went to my room after that to watch some TV. Someone knocked at my door and I told them to come in.

“Oh, Folklore, hi.”


“Come take a seat.” She sat down on my bed next to me.

“So. I, uhm. Last night at dinner. I noticed that you didn't eat anything. And then this morning, you didn't eat anything either. And I was just wondering if you're okay?”

I listened to Folklore talking and I started panicking. No one noticed this stuff before, not even Lover. How did she do it? What was I going to say? I quickly tried to come up with something convincing.

“Oh, I ate lunch late yesterday since we were preparing for the party so I didn't eat anything at dinner. And then I got hungry last night so I ate some leftovers. So I wasn't feeling hungry at breakfast.” I felt like I was rambling a bit but it seemed plausible, right?

“Oh. Okay. I just wanted to make sure that you were okay. I know we don't really know each other very well yet but if you ever want to talk or anything, you can talk to me.”

“Thanks Folklore but I promise I'm fine.” I offered her a warm smile which she returned. She really did seem nice. I guess I was over thinking it earlier when we stopped talking at breakfast.

Folklore got up to leave but I asked her to stay. “Do you want to stay? I was just going to start a new movie.”

“Sure. I'd like that.” Folklore sat back down on the bed next to me and I scooted a tiny bit closer to her as the new movie started.

A/N: A bit of a shorter chapter but the next one should be longer. And there's some drama coming up soon!

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