Chapter 8

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TW/mentions of eating disorder


"Rep? I know you're awake."

"No you don't."

I rolled my eyes. "Why aren't you sleeping. It's 4am."

"I could be asking you the same." Rep turned over to face me.

"Are you still upset about earlier?"

"Technically earlier is yesterday at this point and yes, I still want to throw Debut in a bin and then throw that off a cliff."

"You need to calm down."

"Haha, very funny. But seriously, do you know how long it took to wash all that paint out of my hair?"

"I offered to help you."

"I didn't want any of it to get on you."

"Thoughtful as ever." I planted a kiss on Rep's cheek. "Where did she come up with that story though about you talking about her?"

"Beats me."

"I don't understand what's gotten into everyone lately. First Red and Speak Now. Then you and Debut."

"That was one sided actually."

"You get my point. And I still don't know if 1989 and Folklore are talking again."

"What if we did a girls night?"

"We can't take Deb and Fe to a club. Movie night on the other hand would be fun."

"That's so boring."

"You just want to get drunk."

"Oh but I'm already drunk on you." I felt myself blushing quite a lot at that.

"Now's not the time to flirt. What was I saying before? Right- It'll be a good way to relieve the tension. Get everyone on good terms again."

"Fine. Movie night it is then. After all, how could I ever say no to you?"

"That's why you're the best. Now let's get some more sleep." I snuggled up to Rep and we both fell asleep after a bit.


It was quite early, 6am to be exact. I was sitting at my window looking outside when I noticed Fearless pulling out of the driveway in her car. That was strange. Where was she going this early? I watched her car disappear into the distance and then I watched a true crime documentary for a bit. After that, I headed downstairs.

1989 was alone in the kitchen, busy with the pan in front of her. Lorie told me about what happened yesterday afternoon and I was not happy. 1989 turned away from the stove and saw me standing there.

"Uh, hi." I sensed the apprehension in her voice.

The two of us have barely spoken. The few times we have has been when we've passed each other in the hallway so naturally, any attempt at a conversation between the two of us would be awkward.

"We need to talk."


"Look, I know you have a eating disorder and I know you don't want anyone to know about it but you need to let someone help you."

"I really don't want to talk about it."

"That's fine, I can't force you to do something you don't want to but listen. You can't keep messing with Folklore's feelings. All she wanted to do was help you because she cares about you and now she doesn't leave her room because she can't see you without feeling hurt."

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