𝟏𝟔) 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔

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Jungkook's breaths came out in shaky gasps, his chest heaving as the shock of what had just happened consumed him. The cold, suffocating grip of the water was still fresh in his mind, and he couldn't stop the tears that welled up in his eyes. He clutched the figure's cloak with trembling hands, his small fists tight as if fearing that letting go would mean falling back into the abyss.

The figure holding him close didn't say a word, his red eyes glowing eerily in the dim light as he carried Jungkook with an effortless grace. The boy's heart pounded in his chest, every beat echoing the fear that coursed through his veins. He glanced around, realizing with dread that they were no longer in the forest. The familiar sounds of the stream and his friends' voices were gone, replaced by an oppressive silence that filled the air.

Jungkook didn't dare move, didn't dare ask where he was being taken. His entire body trembled with fear, but the warmth of the figure's hold was the only thing grounding him to the present. His mind raced, but every thought was clouded with panic, the near-death experience still fresh in his memory.

When they finally arrived at the castle, its towering walls casting long, dark shadows across the landscape, Jungkook's heart sank even further. He had been saved from the water, but it felt like he had only been pulled into another kind of danger, one that he couldn't escape from. He looked up at the figure, his vision blurred by tears, but all he could see was the same unreadable expression and those red eyes that had haunted him before.

Jungkook's feet touched the cold stone floor, and as soon as he was placed down, the entire castle seemed to come alive with a terrifying energy. The walls trembled violently, sending dust and loose stones cascading to the ground. It was as if the castle itself was reacting to his presence, and the intensity of it all made his legs buckle beneath him.

The boy's sobs broke through the eerie silence, his cries echoing in the vast, empty halls. He hugged himself tightly, his small body trembling uncontrollably as he tried to shield himself from the overwhelming fear that gripped him. Every inch of him was drenched in cold sweat, and his heart raced in terror.

The figure who had saved him stood still, his eyes burning with an intensity that matched the castle's fury. He took deep, ragged breaths, his chest rising and falling rapidly as a low, menacing growl escaped his lips. The sound reverberated through the air, sending chills down Jungkook's spine. It was the growl of something monstrous, something far from human, and it only made the boy cry harder, his sobs more desperate as he cowered on the floor.

The figure's rage was palpable, a dark aura emanating from him that seemed to shake the very foundations of the castle. Jungkook didn't understand what was happening or why, but all he knew was that he was more terrified than he had ever been in his life. The figure's anger, the castle's trembling, and the oppressive darkness that surrounded him-it all felt like a nightmare he couldn't wake up from.

"P-please stop it... I'm scared, please," Jungkook begged, his voice shaking as violently as his body. He hoped, desperately, that the figure might show him some mercy, that his pleas might reach some semblance of humanity within the terrifying being before him. But his hopes were quickly dashed as the figure took fast, purposeful steps toward him, closing the distance between them in mere seconds.

Jungkook tried to step back, but his retreat was cut short when his back met the cold, trembling wall behind him. The stone felt alive, pulsing with the same ominous energy that filled the castle, as if it too was reacting to his fear. Trapped between the shaking wall and the advancing figure, Jungkook's terror peaked, his heart pounding so loudly in his chest that it drowned out all other sounds.

The figure loomed over him, his presence overwhelming, the air around them thick with a suffocating darkness. Jungkook's wide, teary eyes were fixed on him, pleading silently for some form of compassion, but all he found in those red eyes was a sinister intent that sent shivers down his spine.

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