𝟕) 𝑩𝒆𝒚𝒐𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑽𝒆𝒊𝒍

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Jungkook's eyes fluttered open to the sound of the front door clicking shut, signalling his parents' return home. He stretched his arms, arching his back in a languid motion, and yawned, revealing a hint of sleepiness. As he sat up, he rubbed the remnants of slumber from his eyes, his gaze drifting to the clock on the wall. The evening hours had crept up on him, and he couldn't believe he had slept for so long.

After a good stretch, Jungkook headed to the washroom to freshen up. He turned on the shower, adjusting the temperature to a warm, soothing level. As the water cascaded down his body, he felt his fatigue melt away, replaced by a sense of relaxation. He took his time, savouring the warmth, before turning off the tap and stepping out onto the plush bath mat.

As he dried himself, Jungkook slipped into a cosy outfit - a soft, pastel blue sweater with a relaxed fit, paired with comfortable, faded jeans and warm, fuzzy socks. The gentle texture of the sweater against his skin was soothing, and the loose fit made him feel snug and protected. He felt like he was wrapped in a warm hug.

Feeling refreshed, Jungkook made his way downstairs to meet his parents. As he entered the living room, he was greeted by the delicious aroma of food wafting from the kitchen. His parents had brought home a comforting meal - steaming bowls of hot kimchi stew and fluffy white rice, accompanied by crispy, golden-brown Korean-style fried chicken The savoury scents filled the air, making his stomach growl with hunger.

Jungkook's parents smiled as he approached, happy to see him relaxed and eager to eat. "Hey, sweetie, how was your day?" his mother asked as he hugged them both in turn.

"I'm so hungry!" Jungkook exclaimed, sitting down at the table. His father served him a generous portion, and he took a bite of the kimchi stew, savouring the spicy j. The warmth and love in the room, combined with the comforting meal, made him feel grateful for this peaceful moment with his family.

Jungkook's spoon moved at a rapid pace, scooping up mouthful after mouthful of the savoury kimchi stew and fluffy white rice. His parents exchanged a concerned glance, noticing his ravenous appetite. He hadn't eaten since yesterday morning, and it showed in his eagerness to devour the meal.

"Slow down, sweetheart, it won't run away. It's all yours," Mrs. Jeon said with a teasing tone, mixed with a hint of concern. She reached out, gently placing her hand on Jungkook's arm as if to slow him down.

Jungkook's father, Mr. Jeon silently looked on, his worry visible in his eyes. He cleared his throat, about to speak, but his wife's gentle intervention stayed his words.

Meanwhile, Jungkook's adorable expressions only added to his parents' concern. His eyes sparkled with delight as he savoured each bite, and his eyebrows danced with joy. The way he hummed softly in satisfaction, his mouth still full, made Mrs. Jeon giggle.

As he ate, his hair still damp from the shower, curled slightly at the nape of his neck, framing his face with a soft, endearing glow. His cheeks flushed with pleasure, and his lips curved into a happy smile, making him look like a contented little boy.

Despite their worry, Jungkook's parents couldn't help but be charmed by his adorable eating face. They exchanged fond glances, their hearts full of love for their son.

As Jungkook finally slowed down, his parents breathed a sigh of relief. "Feel better, sweetie?" Mrs. Jeon asked, stroking his hair.

Jungkook nodded, his eyes shining with happiness. "Mmm, yeah... thanks, Mom. "

The family of three settled into the cosy living room, surrounded by the warm glow of table lamps and the soft hum of the TV. They sat in their favourite spots, with Jungkook reclining on the plush couch and his parents in their matching armchairs. Mrs. Jeon snuggled under a throw blanket while Mr. Jeon rested his feet on the coffee table.

As they watched a classic rom-com, Jungkook's laughter filled the room, his eyes sparkling with amusement. His parents exchanged warm glances, happy to see their son relaxed and enjoying family time.

But as the clock struck 12:00 am, Mrs. Jeon gently reminded Jungkook, "It's late, sweetie. You should sleep now. You have university tomorrow." Her voice was soft but firm.

Jungkook's expression changed in an instant. His eyes widened, and he bolted upright, as if struck by a sudden realization. His parents noticed the shift but decided to stay quiet, observing their son's reaction.

Jungkook's mind racing, he thought about Minsoo and the uncomfortable encounter awaiting him tomorrow. His heart sank, and his appetite for the cosy night vanished. He felt a knot form in his stomach, as he hesitated, unsure of how to face the next day.

The room fell silent, except for the TV's gentle hum, as Jungkook's parents waited for him to process his emotions. They knew their son was struggling, but they also knew he needed to confront his challenges head-on.

Jungkook quietly got up from the couch, his parents watching him with concerned expressions. He headed to his room, his mind already racing with thoughts of Minsoo and how to avoid him.

As he entered his cosy bedroom, Jungkook felt a sense of relief wash over him. He closed the door behind him and took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves.

First, he headed to the washroom to freshen up, splashing water on his face and running his hands through his hair. He then changed into his comfortable night pyjamas, a soft grey pair with tiny stars printed on them.

Feeling slightly more relaxed, Jungkook climbed onto his bed and sat with his back against the headboard. He pulled out his phone and began to scroll through his contacts, searching for someone to talk to. But then he hesitated, unsure if he was ready to share his concerns with anyone just yet.

Instead, he set his phone aside and started to think about ways to avoid Minsoo tomorrow. He could take a different route to class or sit in a different seat... but deep down, Jungkook knew these were only temporary solutions.

As he sat there, lost in thought, Jungkook's eyes wandered around his room. He gazed at the familiar posters on his walls, the shelves filled with his favourite books, and the cosy reading nook in the corner. His room was his sanctuary, but even here, he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had settled in his heart.

Jungkook's eyes widened as he stared at the strange red rose on his bedside table. The rose seemed to glow with an otherworldly light, its petals twisted and curled in ways that didn't seem natural. The air around it appeared to ripple and distort, as if reality itself was bending to accommodate the rose's presence.

Despite feeling a sense of trepidation, Jungkook reached out to touch the rose. As soon as his skin made contact with it, the flower burst into flames, and he felt a searing pain in his hands. He yelped in shock, dropping the rose, but it had already transformed into a rolled-up page.

The page was old and yellowed, with strange symbols etched into the edges. Jungkook's hands trembled as he unrolled it, the parchment crackling with age. The writing on the page was in a language he couldn't understand, but the words seemed to shift and write like living things.

As he gazed at the page in horror, the words began to change, rearranging themselves into a message that made Jungkook's blood run cold.

"Enjoy the little time left with your family little lamb."

And jungkook knew who it was.


Phew! It was hard to write!! I don't even know how I am writing, guys. I'm just going with the flow. I guess it's not good enough, but I'm trying my best..

Take care


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