𝟏𝟑) 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈'𝒔 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕

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It was the day of the trip, and Jungkook was dressed perfectly for a camping adventure. He wore a comfortable, lightweight flannel shirt in shades of forest green and black, layered over a plain white t-shirt. His pants were rugged, dark grey cargo pants, ideal for both comfort and practicality, with plenty of pockets to store small items. He chose a pair of black, sturdy yet flexible trail shoes, perfect for walking through the forest terrain, but still comfortable enough for the bus ride. A simple black baseball cap rested on his head, shading his eyes from the sun.

Jungkook was already seated in the college bus, choosing the last seat to distance himself from the chatter of the other students. He sat quietly, looking out the window, his thoughts a mixture of anticipation and unease. The bus hadn't started yet, and as he waited for the engine to rumble to life, he watched the scenery outside, letting the familiar world outside the window calm his nerves.

Jungkook was so engrossed in the view outside the window, watching the world outside as if it could offer him some kind of solace, that he didn't notice the shadow looming over him. His mind wandered through the thoughts of the trip, mingled with a faint sense of dread that he couldn't quite shake. The sudden sound of a sharp "tsk" startled him from his reverie, and he felt the seat beside him dip as someone sat down.

He slowly turned to his left, his heart skipping a beat as his eyes met the dark, intense gaze of his professor, Kim Taehyung. The infamous dark eyes that seemed to pierce right through him were fixed on Jungkook, filled with an unreadable expression. Taehyung's presence was overwhelming, the air around them growing heavier, and Jungkook couldn't help but feel a shiver run down his spine. The bus, the trip, everything else faded into the background as he found himself trapped in Taehyung's unwavering gaze.

The bus roared to life, its engine vibrating beneath them as it began to move, and the students erupted in cheers and laughter, their excitement filling the air. The sound of their happiness only heightened Jungkook's awareness of how close Taehyung was sitting to him. He could feel the heat of his professor's body next to him, the overwhelming presence that seemed to press in on him from all sides.

Jungkook instinctively tried to shift away, inching as far as he could toward the corner of his seat, even though he was already pressed against the window. But no matter how much he tried to create space, it felt impossible to escape Taehyung's proximity. The professor didn't move, only continued to watch him with those dark, unreadable eyes, as if enjoying the subtle discomfort radiating from Jungkook. The contrast between the joyous noise of the other students and the silent tension between them was almost unbearable, making every second stretch out endlessly.

"That's enough, little lamb," Taehyung's voice cut through the noise of the bus, smooth and laced with a dark amusement. "It's not like I'm going to eat you."

He paused, letting the words hang in the air for a moment before adding in a lower, almost whisper-like tone, "Yet."

The word sent a cold shiver down Jungkook's spine, making his breath catch in his throat. The playful menace in Taehyung's voice was unmistakable, and it only made Jungkook feel more trapped, his heart pounding in his chest. He didn't dare look up, instead keeping his gaze fixed firmly on the window, hoping the ride would end soon, even though he knew this was just the beginning.

Jungkook was startled when Taehyung suddenly reached over and plucked the cap from his head. He turned to see his professor casually slipping the cap onto his own head, as if it had always belonged there. The unexpected action left Jungkook momentarily speechless, his thoughts scrambling to process the situation.

With his cap gone, the sunlight streamed through the window, casting a soft, golden glow over Jungkook's features. His dark hair caught the light, making it shimmer, and the gentle rays illuminated his face, highlighting the delicate lines of his jaw and the softness of his skin. In that moment, he looked almost ethereal his expression, a mixture of confusion and vulnerability, his wide eyes reflecting a quiet innocence that only seemed to draw Taehyung

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