Chapter 14: Unseen Eyes

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The quiet intimacy that River and August had built within the walls of the studio was beginning to feel like a fragile bubble—one that might burst if anyone else got too close. Yet, life at Harrowgate Academy continued, and the arrival of a few new faces threatened to disrupt the delicate balance they had maintained.

The first of these was Helen Porter, a fellow teacher who had recently transferred to Harrowgate. Helen was sharp, observant, and known for her no-nonsense attitude. Her arrival had sparked a lot of interest among the faculty, particularly because she had a reputation for being incredibly perceptive, with a keen eye for spotting things others might miss. It wasn’t long before River noticed that Helen seemed to be watching her a little too closely.

One afternoon, after a particularly long faculty meeting, Helen approached River as they were leaving the conference room. She had a warm, but slightly scrutinizing smile on her face.

“River, right?” Helen began, her tone friendly enough, though there was a certain edge to it.

River nodded, offering a polite smile in return. “That’s right. Helen, isn’t it? Welcome to Harrowgate. How are you settling in?”

Helen chuckled softly. “Oh, you know how it is with new places—lots of names to learn, routines to adjust to. But I’ve always enjoyed the challenge of fitting into new environments.”

River nodded, but there was something about Helen’s gaze that made her uneasy. It was as if Helen could see past the surface, into the secrets River was desperately trying to keep hidden.

“I’ve heard a lot of good things about you,” Helen continued, her eyes narrowing slightly. “The students seem to adore you, and you’ve got quite a reputation as an excellent teacher. It’s always nice to meet someone who’s so respected by their peers.”

River forced a smile, her mind racing. Was there something more to Helen’s words, or was she just being paranoid?

“Thank you, Helen,” River replied, her voice steady. “I try to do my best for the students. I’m sure you’ll find Harrowgate to be a rewarding place to work.”

Helen tilted her head slightly, her gaze never leaving River’s face. “I’m sure I will. It’s always interesting to see the dynamics in a place like this. You learn a lot about people—what they value, what they’re hiding…”

River’s heart skipped a beat, but she kept her expression neutral. “Well, I hope you enjoy your time here. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.”

Helen smiled again, though this time it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “I’ll keep that in mind, River. Thanks for the offer.”

As Helen walked away, River felt a chill run down her spine. There was something about the way Helen spoke, the way she looked at her, that left River feeling exposed, as if Helen had already seen too much. She knew she would have to be even more careful around her, but the feeling that Helen was somehow a threat lingered.

Meanwhile, August had noticed a change in the atmosphere at Harrowgate as well, particularly with the arrival of another new student, Olivia. Olivia was striking—tall, with an air of confidence that set her apart from the rest of the students. She had transferred in from a prestigious art school in New York, and it didn’t take long for her to make her presence known.

Olivia was talented, with a flair for painting that had quickly caught the attention of both her peers and her teachers. But it was the way she seemed to take an immediate interest in August that set off alarm bells. Olivia was charming, engaging, and had a way of drawing people in, including August.

One afternoon, as August was working on a piece in the studio, Olivia wandered in, a curious smile on her face. “Hey, August,” she said casually, as if they had been friends for years. “Mind if I join you? I heard you’re one of the best artists here, and I’d love to see what you’re working on.”

August glanced up, surprised by Olivia’s sudden appearance. “Oh, sure,” she replied, slightly flustered. “I didn’t know you were into painting.”

Olivia laughed lightly, moving to stand beside August. “It’s my passion. I’ve been painting for as long as I can remember. I heard you’re working on something really special in here. Mind if I take a look?”

August hesitated, but there was something about Olivia’s easy confidence that made it hard to say no. “I guess you can take a peek,” she said, stepping aside to let Olivia see the canvas.

As Olivia studied the painting, August felt a strange mix of pride and discomfort. It was the first time someone other than River had seen the piece, and the idea of someone else judging their work together made her uneasy.

“This is amazing,” Olivia said, her voice filled with genuine admiration. “I can see why everyone talks about you. You’ve got serious talent, August.”

“Thanks,” August replied, her cheeks flushing slightly. “It’s been a lot of work, but I’ve had some help along the way.”

Olivia’s gaze flicked to August, her eyes narrowing slightly. “Help? From who?”

August realized her slip and quickly tried to cover it. “Oh, just, you know, from teachers and stuff. They’ve been really supportive.”

Olivia nodded, though it was clear she wasn’t entirely convinced. “Well, whoever’s helping you, they’re lucky to be working with someone as talented as you. I’d love to collaborate sometime if you’re interested.”

August smiled, though she felt a knot forming in her stomach. “Yeah, maybe. We’ll see.”

As Olivia left the studio, August couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something more to her interest—something that went beyond just admiration for her art. She was charming, yes, but there was an intensity in her gaze that made August uneasy.

When River arrived at the studio later that evening, she immediately sensed that something was off. August was quiet, more reserved than usual, and there was a tension in the air that hadn’t been there before.

“Is everything okay?” River asked gently, placing a hand on August’s shoulder.

August nodded, but her eyes were troubled. “Yeah, I’m just… a little distracted, I guess.”

River frowned, sensing there was more to it. “You know you can talk to me, right? If something’s bothering you?”

August hesitated, then sighed. “There’s this new girl, Olivia. She’s… interested in my work, and she’s kind of intense. I don’t know, it just feels weird.”

River’s stomach twisted at the mention of Olivia. She had heard the name around the school, but hadn’t given it much thought—until now. “What do you mean by intense?”

August shrugged, trying to find the right words. “She’s just… very forward, I guess. She wants to collaborate, but it feels like there’s more to it than that. I don’t know, maybe I’m just being paranoid.”

River’s protective instincts kicked in. “You’re not being paranoid, August. If something feels off, you need to trust your gut. We’ll keep an eye on her, okay?”

August nodded, her expression softening. “Okay. Thanks, River.”

But as they resumed their work, the unease lingered. With Helen watching River closely and Olivia seemingly taking an interest in August, the once-safe bubble they had created was starting to feel dangerously close to bursting. The hidden flame that had brought them together was now threatened by forces they hadn’t anticipated, and both River and August knew that they would have to be more careful than ever.

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