Chapter 29: Crossing Lines

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River sat in her apartment, the echo of August’s voice still lingering in her mind. The conversation had been brief, the tension between them palpable, but it had left River feeling more hopeful than she had in weeks. She had asked August to meet her in person, to hear her out. To her relief, August had agreed, though her tone had been guarded, cautious.

As River prepared herself for the meeting, a knock on her door interrupted her thoughts. She wasn’t expecting anyone, and a sense of unease settled over her as she went to answer it.

When she opened the door, she found Isabelle standing there, her expression conflicted. River’s heart sank. This was the last thing she needed right now—another confrontation with the woman who had caused so much turmoil in her life.

“Isabelle,” River greeted, her voice cool as she stepped aside to let her in. “What are you doing here?”

Isabelle walked into the apartment, her eyes downcast. She seemed different—no longer the confident, manipulative woman who had torn her life apart, but someone who was burdened by her own actions.

“I needed to talk to you,” Isabelle began, her voice quiet. “I know I’ve caused a lot of pain, and I’m not here to make excuses. But I want you to understand why I did what I did.”

River folded her arms across her chest, a mix of curiosity and dread bubbling within her. “I’m listening.”

Isabelle took a deep breath, her eyes meeting River’s with an intensity that made River’s heart skip a beat. “I was jealous. Of you, of what you had with August. I didn’t plan for things to get so out of control, but… my feelings for you got the best of me.”

River’s breath caught in her throat. “Your feelings… for me?”

Isabelle nodded, a sad smile tugging at her lips. “I’ve been in love with you for a long time, River. I know it sounds absurd, given everything that’s happened, but it’s the truth. When I saw how close you and August were getting, I panicked. I wanted to be the one who mattered to you, the one you looked at the way you looked at her. So I did what I thought would… separate you two.”

River stared at her, a swirl of emotions crashing over her—shock, anger, and a flicker of something else she couldn’t quite place. It wasn’t that she hadn’t suspected Isabelle’s feelings; she had seen the signs, the lingering touches, the way Isabelle’s eyes had followed her. But hearing it spoken aloud made it real, and it complicated things in a way River hadn’t expected.

“Isabelle,” River began, her voice softening despite herself. “I don’t know what to say. I’m… angry, yes, but I also understand where you’re coming from. But what you did—manipulating me, using August’s feelings against her—it was wrong. It hurt both of us, and I don’t know if that’s something that can be easily forgiven.”

Isabelle nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. “I know. I don’t expect you to forgive me, River. I just… I needed you to know the truth. I needed you to know that I’m sorry.”

River sighed, the weight of the confession heavy on her chest. “I appreciate your honesty, Isabelle. And I believe you’re sorry. But that doesn’t change what’s happened. I need time to process this.”

Isabelle nodded again, wiping away a tear as she stood. “I understand. I’ll give you the space you need.”

River watched as Isabelle turned to leave, a part of her feeling relieved, while another part of her felt a pang of sadness. Despite everything, there was still a connection between them—a connection that, under different circumstances, might have been explored. But now, it was too late.

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