01- the collab that started it all

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COLBY Looked over at Sam "sooo I invited my sister to join us for this Video

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COLBY Looked over at Sam "sooo I invited my sister to join us for this Video." Colby said, Sam looked over at Colby "Wait, you invited Anastasia?" Sam asked "Yeah is that okay?" Colby asked as he looked at Sam, Sam nodded and smiled "of course I just haven't seen her in a little while." Sam said "I wonder what she looks like now, and how things have changed?" Sam said, Colby smiled and laughed "you're not telling me you like my sister are you?" Colby asked hoping deep down he did because Anastasia deserved a guy like Sam who would treat her right, "nah man I couldn't do that to you." Sam said trying to hide his feelings.

"She's almost here!" Colby said excitedly, ever since him and Sam moved to LA him and Anastasia hadn't seen each other In a while, Anastasia did end up moving to La a couple months back but still they were all too busy to hang out all the time, And Anastasia liked Sam but she never had the courage to tell him, That is until she seen him again, "Sam she's here!" Colby yelled out as Anastasia walked through the door "HELLO." Anastasia yelled out, Colby came running through the house as he picked up Anastasia in a hug "oh my god I've missed you so much!" Colby said as he held his sister tightly in his arms "i missed you too Colby but I need to breathe." Anastasia laughed as Colby set her down.

Anastasia turned to see Sam standing behind her "hey." Anastasia said smiling, "hey." Sam said as he walked over to her, the two hugged awkwardly, neither one knew the other one had feelings for the other, so they just hid their feelings assuming that was the best option, Anastasia took a deep breathe inhaling Sam's scent, she loved the smell of his cologne, once they finished hugging "I'm going to put everything into my room, I might move in with you guys very soon." Anastasia said as she toted her bags upstairs, Colby walked over to Sam "okay man seriously? You can't hide your feelings, tell her how you feel, she's my sister, I'd much rather her date you than get heartbroken by dating someone else." Colby said as he looked at Sam.

Sam paused and inhaled sharply "your right man, it's better to tell her now than to keep holding it in. Whether she likes me back or not it's better to get my feelings out." Sam said "I'll be back I'm going to go tell her." Sam Said as he made his way upstairs, once he reached Anastasia's room he knocked on the door, "come in!" Anastasia's voice rang from inside, Sam took a deep breathe and then walked inside, "hey." Sam said "hey." Anastasia replied as she sat down the clothes she was taking out of her bag and turned around to face Sam "I need to tell you something." Sam said as he ran his fingers through his hair "Something I've wanted to tell you for so long, I've just never had the courage to say anything, and I didn't want to affect mine and Colby's friendship but he says it's okay so." Sam said and then paused, Anastasia walked towards him "yes?" Anastasia asked as she slowly approached him.

Colby stood outside the door waiting to hear how the conversation would go "what I'm trying to say is, I like you Ana, I've liked you for years since my senior year of Highschool, I just never knew how to tell you, and I was too scared of hurting Colby." Sam said but Anastasia cut him off with a kiss "I like you too Sam, I have for years, I have waited for this day to come." Anastasia said smiling, Sam smiled and kissed Anastasia again "then will you be my girlfriend?" Sam asked "of course I will." Anastasia responded as she hugged Sam, Colby burst through the door "finally!!!" Colby said "I've been waiting for this day to come!!" Colby said as he hugged the two of them.

"Now let's get to video making!" Colby said as he grabbed the gear and they all got into the car, "Holbrooke hotel here we come!!" Colby said As he drove to the hotel, once they'd arrived Anastasia instantly began to feel sick "I don't think I'm going to like this place." Anastasia said as she fought the urge to puke, Sam wrapped his arm around her "are you okay?" Sam asked "I have a weird feeling about this place." Anastasia said "we'll be right here with you the whole time Okay?" Colby said "we need your Abilities for this one." Colby added as the three of them entered the Hotel.

"We're going to room 403." Colby said as they walked the halls "you'll know it when you find it." Colby added, as soon as they neared the door Anastasia got super lightheaded and dizzy, Sam stopped filming with the camera to catch her "are you okay?" Sam asked "you almost passed out." Sam added "yes... it's this place, there's spending dark here, something powerful." Anastasia said as Sam helped her back up "let's do this." Anastasia said as they entered the room "oh also we have to investigate the elevator on this floor as well, it's said to be haunted too." Colby said as he looked at his sister "only if you can handle it though." Colby added, Sam had started filming again by this point "let's do it." Anastasia said.

They started their investigation in the hotel room, discovering some things but not what they were after "maybe it's more the room but the elevator we should really be investigating." Anastasia said as they left the room and headed to the elevator, that's when Anastasia felt that feeling again, the feeling of faint and nausea, it was whenever they passed the elevator not the room "this is where the dark energy is, so we have to investigate this." Anastasia said "I. Thought it was the room but it's not it's this elevator." Anastasia added.

As Anastasia entered the elevator Anastasia pressed the buttons, Anastasia Looked around the elevator all the spirits Crowding her "SAM." Anastasia yelled as she tried to get the elevator door to open, Sam and Colby were standing on the other side of the elevator as Sam heard Anastasia screaming he tried to pry the door open "ANA?" Sam said panicking, Colby had one camera filming from outside while Anastasia had one inside, Anastasia kept screaming As she put her hands over her ears, as the tears began to stream down her face as she fell to her knees, once the elevator door opened Sam rushed inside grabbing Anastasia, once they were out of the elevator Sam looked at Anastasia.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Sam asked as he placed a comforting arm around her trying to hide the fact that they were dating, Anastasia looked at Sam "everything that's dark in this hotel mostly resides in that elevator, they were trying to attack me but I blocked them from being able to, instead I kept hearing and seeing everyone who died here's deaths."Anastasia said as she took a deep breathe "it was terrifying, I thought I was going to die." Anastasia said as she looked at Sam, she began to feel Lightheaded and Dizzy again as she fell into Sam's arms "I think we need to go." Sam said as he caught her, they all said that nothing could follow them home and then they left the hotel.

The further away they got from the hotel, the better Anastasia felt "I'm so sorry." Colby said to his sister as he drove them home "it's okay, I just need to lie down when we get home, I don't feel well at all." Anastasia said as she laid her head on Sam's shoulder, Sam chose to sit in the back seat with her since she was feeling super weak, once they arrived at the house Sam helped Anastasia walk inside and once they reached the couch she laid down, she dozed off laying her head in Sam's lap while Colby sat on the chair beside the couch "I hope she's okay." Colby said looking over at his sister.

Sam nodded in agreement as he Stroked her hair and moved it out of her face "me too, but for now let's let her rest and we'll just sit here." Sam said, Colby turned on the tv, Sam began to edit the video from today and when he got to the clip from the elevator he saw things coming near Anastasia "Colby oh my god." Sam said as he slid the laptop over to Colby on the table "what the fuck." Colby said seeing the things in the clip "no wonder she feels so bad, now I feel really bad about making her join us." Colby said as he slid the laptop back to Sam, Sam finished editing and Anastasia finally woke up, as she sat up still feeling slightly weak "hey guys." Anastasia said "how you feeling?" Sam asked as he stroked her cheek "slightly better, but I might call it a night." Anastasia said "yeah I understand." Sam said.

As Anastasia went to her up Colby stopped her "I'm so sorry , I love you and I truly thought I was going to lose you today, I'm glad you're okay." Colby said as he hugged his sister "Hey Sam." Anastasia said "can you sleep with me tonight? I don't feel safe being alone." Anastasia said "yeah of course." Sam said as he got up and helped her upstairs to her room, joining her for the night.

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