06- the Bowers Mansion

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ANASTASIA looked at Sam as They gathered all the equipment to go to the bowers mansion "what am I getting myself into" Anastasia  asked as She Handed him the Headphones for the seance "I don't know how to answer that

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ANASTASIA looked at Sam as They gathered all the equipment to go to the bowers mansion "what am I getting myself into" Anastasia asked as She Handed him the Headphones for the seance "I don't know how to answer that.. with you being a medium and a female, there's no telling what will happen but I'm not gonna leave you, when we do solo investigations me or Colby will be within hearing distance of you." Sam said.

Anastasia sighed and nodded as she helped Sam and Colby finish loading the car as they got into the car driving to the Bowers mansion, Once they arrived to the mansion Anastasia had already began to see spirits "this place is Sad, But also has a evil influence over it somewhere I don't know where but I can feel it." Anastasia said, "it's not a pleasant feeling." Anastasia added.

Sam looked at Anastasia as he wrapped his arm around her, Seth looked at the two of them "I guess it's good we have you here right? We're gonna be meeting with another Medium here too so it's gonna be okay, we're here for you Stas." Seth said, "yeah we're not gonna leave you alone, I promise, I've never lied to you before." Colby said.

Anastasia took a deep breathe as they got out of the vehicle and met the Medium At the door to the mansion "It's hard to believe this place hasn't been explored for decades." Sam said the medium agreed as he took them on their tour, After the tour he left, leaving them to investigate alone.

As they walked through the Mansion Together exploring it one last time before starting their solo investigations, When they made it into Mary's room Anastasia felt something touch her when she turned around Sam was behind her "did you just touch my hair?" Anastasia asked "like you were playing with it?" Anastasia added, "no? I just got behind you, why?" Sam asked, Anastasia looked at him "something just touched my hair, it did this." Anastasia said as she ran her fingers through his hair, softly playing with it, Sam looked at her in fear.

They kept venturing through the house but Anastasia wanted to stay back just for a moment to keep investigating the room and When she turned around towards the door something grabbed her, pulling her hair hard causing her to fall to the floor, as Anastasia got up her heart racing as she ran out the room terrified, as Anastasia ran back to Sam and Colby her breathing was rapid "What happened?" Colby asked as he turned to face her with the camera Concerned "so I stayed back long enough to explore the room, and something grabbed my hair jerking it causing me to fall. I didn't get to see who it was but it was for sure one of the spirits a female so maybe it was Mary?" Anastasia said as her heart was still racing.

Sam wrapped a arm around Anastasia to comfort her as they made their way through the house, they arrived in Bernard's room and noticed the door "wait that's the door that the medium said leads to the basement." Sam said, Colby nodded as Anastasia instantly began to feel dizzy, she almost fell as Sam caught her "woah woah Anas, are you okay?" Sam asked as he held her up "there's something evil, dark in here but there's also alot of sadness in here, I can feel it and it's making me sick." Anastasia said, Colby looked over at her As Seth Spoke up "maybe we should get her out of here?" Seth asked.

"No I want to go to the cellar, I think there's more down there more answers." Anastasia said as she looked over at Seth, Colby nodded as he opened the door to the basement as they walked down into it, once inside they began to explore it, as they discussed the door slammed shut they all ran over to see it closed "oh shit." Colby said as they ran up opening the door and exiting the Basement, they all met up on the main floor of the house, downstairs where they finally discussed where to split up for their solo investigations.

"Sam you go to the cellar, Seth you go to the Funeral home across the street, Anastasia can start in Mary's room and I'll go to Bernard's room." Colby said, Anastasia took a deep shaky breathe as she stood up "alright let's get this over with." She said taking some equipment and a camera "hey if you need anything you holler." Colby said, Anastasia slightly smiled and nodded "thanks." She said as she headed to Mary's room.

Everyone was now alone in their investigation areas, Anastasia set up her equipment and then took a deep breathe as she sat down, she looked around the room and saw Mary "I come in peace Mary, if you'd like to talk To me your welcome too." Anastasia said as she turned the equipment on as Mary made her way in front of Anastasia "He didn't do it on purpose." The EMF picked up as Anastasia looked at Mary.

The solo investigations time was running out as as soon as Anastasia got ready to conclude hers something happened, something drastic that changed her life forever, Anastasia turned around to be face to face with a dark entity "NO." Anastasia yelled as she quickly tried to grab the equipment, Colby turned around when he heard Anastasia scream and that's when the door in Bernard's room slammed shut again scaring Colby, But the dark entity wouldn't let Anastasia get away that easily, It grabbed her, Holding her, Choking her, Anastasia was fighting it off the best she could, as Colby yelled out after the door was slammed shut The dark entity released Anastasia as she fell to the floor gasping.

Colby rushed out of Bernard's room and started making his day downstairs when Anastasia yelled again "SAM!" Anastasia yelled as she Stood up running Out of the room, Colby ran towards her both of them shaken up "what happened?" Colby asked "I'll tell you when we're all together." Anastasia said as they went outside both of them sitting on the porch steps together when Seth arrived, Seth noticed their facial expressions and he quickly went and got Sam.

When Sam and Seth returned Colby explained first "so I was in Bernard's room and the door to the basement was open okay, I'm standing there asking for an obvious sign as soon as I turn my back when I heard Anastasia yell no, The door slammed shut behind me, I have never been so scared in my life." Colby said.

"What happened to you?" Sam asked looking at Anastasia "There's definitely something dark in this house I know because I was face to face with it, it literally had ahold of me, choking me I couldn't breathe I was trying to to fight it off, it didn't let me go until Colby yelled after the door Slammed but I think there's more to this story than the fact that Mr bowers murdered Mary, I'm thinking he was influenced." Anastasia said.

They went inside and did their final investigation in Mary's room sitting at the table, As they were doing the investigation they heard the door To the basement shut in Bernard's room as they all got up running to the room, They finally came to the conclusion that Mr bowers was influenced to kill his wife, "nothing can follow us home, you must stay here." Anastasia said as they shut the door behind them, as they left the house They looked back on the events, Anastasia was still shaken up over the Incident that happened to her in Mary's room.

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