This is how it starts

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The enslaved humans served her and Cain dinner. In the dining hall of the castle that used to belong to Alucard. Sometimes Cain would also kill one of the servants in front of Selene. As if the human in question were a mere course in the dinner to be served, if the world's first vampire was thirsty for blood.

Selene had to submit to Cain. Despite the magnificent candlelit dinners, in elegant candelabras and with good human food, such as mashed potato, corn, bread, cheese and today a whole roast pig to go with an apple in her mouth, she couldn't eat anything and only ate what was necessary so that she wouldn't starve and could orchestrate revenge.

When they'd finished dinner, like now. He led her into the bedroom, undressed her and pressed himself against her on the bed.

However, this time, Selene was not looking for happy places from her childhood to distance herself from Cain's violent blows, desecrating her body, but plotting an escape in her mind.

"A pact." Dantalion's words popped into her mind like a previous conversation they'd had.

When Cain withdrew his now flaccid member from between her legs having released his seed into her pink intimacy and kissed her, Selene remained frigid. Cain slapped her and she looked at him for a moment, but her mind was still wandering.

"If it's going to go on like this... I should get a second wife and make her the queen of humanity instead of you... Lilith seems fit for the job, Diana... " Cain threatened, wanting a reaction from her.

"My name is Selene. It's the name my mother chose. " Rebutted the girl for the first time, coming out of her apathy and with a violent fury in her previously opaque eyes. "I abandoned the nickname Diana, the goddess of the moon, in this incarnation when I chose to be born as a human... The name my parents gave me is Selene. You've already taken everything from me... Can you please not take that too...

Cain put his Egyptian petticoat back on and confronted the girl lying on the bed with its red sheets and ebony frame.

"Apparently, you still know how to stand up for yourself, Selene. " Cain remarked. He loved her deeply. He had tried everything to cheer her up after he had killed her parents. But it was as if she were a living corpse.

"A pact?" Selene's mind wandered to Dantalion's offer again and she heard her own voice in her mind again.

"If you make a pact with me, that in your new chance, you will no longer make the mistake of falling in love with Cain... who will surely try to seduce you in every way possible when he sees your divinity in human flesh.... I'll take you to the mirror of destiny and we'll both get out of this shitty time.

"Are you coming with me?" Selene asked the handsome demon, who made her heart beat faster.

"I want to go with you. That's another condition I have. I'll keep an eye on you so you don't make the mistake of falling in love with Cain again.

Selene smiled at the devil.



Selene woke up to an unexpected visit to her room by the handsome two-meter-tall demon, with magnificent silver hair and wearing a white robe with silver details that didn't match at all with the horns on his head. Despite this, his form was more human than the others, who looked like goats, bats or some mixture of animal and human.

"Usually, in a pact to control the weather, a high blood price is charged, and so is the protection of a daemon... " He began to speak quickly. He touched her face, Selene's eyes lingering on his demonic blushes. "You must give up what you love most in order to open up the possibilities and thus gain my ability to manipulate time and my sense of loyalty. " he taught calmly. "But you've already paid that price when you lost the people you loved most in this world... And, your heart bleeds and screams with pain as you mourn for them, that's great nourishment and for my part, I accept it.

"And you... what price do you have to pay? " asked the girl, scratching her eyes sleepily. Her body was exhausted by Cain's abuse.

The demon smiled and nodded.

"I'm just going to take a ride with you. I'll serve you since you gave me the lives of your loved ones as a sacrifice. And by our pact, my corrupted essence is linked to your soul, so technically... When you and I pass through the looking glass, it will only be as if you were passing through.

"Clever. " muttered the girl.

"In a way, manipulation is my specialty. " said Dantalion calmly. "Having the soul of a goddess marked for me and then getting a pass out of this second hell is a bonus. Now get dressed and come with me. We have to get out of here now that it's the changing of the guard and Cain is distracted by Lilith.

She noticed his hand in hers as Dantalion led her out of Dracula's castle and they walked together now with the night breeze on their faces

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She noticed his hand in hers as Dantalion led her out of Dracula's castle and they walked together now with the night breeze on their faces. Selene couldn't tell if it was day or night, as it was eternal night in the world now. The village she had grown up in was in ruins and now there was only a large space where all the humans who weren't slaves were kept like cattle. Little did she know, but this was the prophetic vision of all the vampires who had followed the genocidal Dracula for twenty years.

They walked for a long time. Soon she felt a tug in her stomach and realized that they had moved around the world by teleportation. She vomited from the locomotion spell that took them to ruins in Palestine. Until they finally reached a space she didn't know, where everything was still and where a mirror floated above the ground like a portal.

Dantalion conjured a dagger with violet power and slit his wrist, holding it out to her. He then handed the dagger to the girl and waited.

"I drink your blood and you drink mine... That way, we'll be one... " he explained, as she picked up the dagger and studied him in terror.

Selene nodded. She also cut her own wrist and held it out to him. As he drew her blood, she took sips of his. She felt magical power she didn't know come out of her. She felt the demon's corrupted magical power enter her. At the end, with her lips painted red, Selene observed the portal, which looked like a cosmic red hole.

"When the veil of the temple was torn at the time of Christ's crucifixion and his blood dripped to earth from the spear of destiny, a dimensional gate was opened, but to ordinary eyes it looks like a mirror of water, a river. That's why this rift is called the Mirror of Fate. Mortals who can see beyond the mirror of water and go back in time... change their story in the book of life. But in return, the threads of time of the reality they knew will unravel.

"You mean that the world I know will no longer exist? " Selene asked, confused. "And that the child my parents will have if they get back together will no longer be me... " Her voice caught.

"If we go through the looking glass and into the past, where you have not yet been born and Cain has not yet awakened... you will not exist for your mother and father. If they have a child in this new reality, it won't be you... But if you do this, you can save the humanity you condemned when you came to earth and freed Cain from hell. " explained the young goddess.

"Let's go. " She called to him. "I'd rather my parents had another child and lived a long and happy life than be born their daughter again. " She managed to say, her eyes full of tears. She wiped them away quickly.

The demon sighed and took her hand.

"When are we going back... ? " asked the girl.

" Stop before you're born. That's how it works. " explained the demon.

Selene nodded. The demon took her hand and they passed through the portal together.

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