Beyond the mirror of fate

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Author's note: From here on the story will be told from Selene's point of view. If you like the fanfic, please support the author.

Wallachia, 1476

The border of the country

Selena's point of view

What era did we end up in? Where are we now? We're not in Palestine anymore. I had no idea what had changed. I sacrificed my whole life for this chance. But to save my parents and give humanity a new chance after my immeasurable mistake, that's the least of it.

Not being born Sypha and Trevor's daughter... doesn't stop them from being my parents in my heart, but only I will remember that. However, I'll watch over them from afar and I'll do the same for my new possible brother or sister who will actually be their firstborn.

The smell of arid land filled my nostrils. The landscape was orange and desert-like. I arched my eyebrow, looking at the demon next to me who had taken on a more human form.

His once long hair is now short and he no longer has horns. Although the strands are still silver like mine. He looks much more ordinary. His ruddy eyes are now honey-colored. He wears elegant black leather pants, long boots, a white puffy shirt and a red coat over it.

To walk among men, I must walk in the shell of one of them. Only in extreme cases, which the creator allows, can I conjure up my powers, otherwise I'll be banished to hell. That was Christ's agreement with us, the fallen ones who promised not to hurt humans and were not imprisoned in hell with Lucifer.

'' What do you mean?'' I asked, curious.

''For now, just like you, Selene, I'm also sealed in a human body and I'm a human, with the difference that I know I'm a demon. Just as you now know that you are a goddess, but choose to remain human. '' He explained, looking at me. ''I can only return to my demonic form if I have permission from my superiors. '' He pointed to the sky and shrugged. ''Then forget the name Dantalion and call me Dante.

'' Got it. Are we still in Palestine? Can you tell?

'' No. We're at the entrance to Wallachia, but we have to walk a bit to find some civilization and ask what year we ended up in. But let's face it, any year is better than that hell we were in. Let's just hope we don't meet another time traveler out there... '" He told me, for some reason.

I wanted to ask him why, but he seemed lost in his own thoughts. So we began our march across this godforsaken piece of land.

In the two cities we visited, there were only corpses, rot and death

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In the two cities we visited, there were only corpses, rot and death. Arges and Severin.

'' We are probably at the time when Dracula conjured an army from hell to avenge the death of his wife Lisa Tepes. We jump from one apocalypse to another. Except that in this one, his parents, together with Adrian Tepes, managed to stop Dracula.

Lisa de Lupo or Lisa Tepes, Adrian's mother who was burned by the church. Dracula, the vampire who was driven mad by the death of his beloved. These two I knew as the parents of my godfather Adrian Tepes. Those I knew as the story of my parents' meeting with Alucard to prevent the end of humanity and confront Dracula. We continued walking.

Dante didn't say much apart from his suspicion, which was well-founded given the shattered corpses we found along the way. He seemed deeply lost within himself. However, I also had a lot on my mind and walking in silence wasn't such a bad thing. Not to mention that there was now day and night to discern the time. It was no longer just endless night and the apocalypse.

 It was no longer just endless night and the apocalypse

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Three days later

At night, Dantalion killed the creatures of the night to protect me with his sword. By day, we walked fearlessly.

I'm a useless hunter. I mean, technically, I'm a Belmont. Theoretically, I was the goddess of the moon, although I don't remember my existence as Diana and so I don't remember what powers I have. Now, however, I'm just useless Selene, who once screwed up the world and had terrible aim with a bow and arrow.

''I can use alchemy to make gold, but we have to get a town with living people to exchange money for food,'' the demon I made a pact with told me.

'' At that time, I think my father was probably in Gresit. '' I tried to remember the stories I was told. '' From what I saw on the sign in Severin, Gresit is almost 50 km from here. A day or two's walk, if we stop to rest and hide for the night, four at most. Dad used to tell me that when he entered the town, he had to do it through the sewer and that they were emptying the toilets on the spot and everything stank of shit. He wasn't accepting visitors because of the monsters that had decimated everything.

'' Do you intend to look for your parents then? Don't you think it would be painful to see them without them knowing who you are? '' Dante probed me, perceptive. ''In this reality, even if it's a key event in all universes that they fall in love, you're not the result of their love this time.

'' I want to see them. '' I protested, as we walked like improbable wanderers among the piles of corpses and citizens hiding from everything. ''I miss you. '' I sighed. ''I know it's silly, but I want to be close to them and even help them in some way against Dracula if I can.

'' You don't know what powers you have, you don't remember your existence as a goddess and you're terrible with a bow and arrow... You'd only get in their way. '" It was realistic. My eyes filled with tears. Shit, I'm so fragile.

'' You know, facts aren't always what I want to hear. '' I noted with a certain bitterness. He sighed with what looked like pity in his eyes. ''I thought demons could lie...

'' I lie when I want to manipulate someone... I've already made a pact with you and I have your divine soul, I'll devour it at the end of all this... I have no reason to tell you pretty lies anymore. But if you want to see your parents so badly and help them, use me as your weapon...'' he sighed. '' He sighed. ''I can fight for you and we can help you with Dracula. So we also prepare for Cain and you approach them as you wish. So, in the end, when I eat your soul, I won't feel guilty, because I made it worth the price. Take it or leave it.

'' I'll take it. Eat my soul in the end. Gresit then. To help my parents and you must be my weapon. '' I said with a smile. ''My soul will be yours in the end. Only first let me live with my parents for a while and take revenge on Cain.

'' Right. '' He agreed. ''A pact is a pact after all. I won't eat your soul until we've killed that bastard Cain.

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