Chapter XIX

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Chapter 19: A Night before dazzling lights

The morning sun filtered through the kitchen windows, casting a warm, golden hue across the room. The familiar sounds of breakfast being prepared filled the air—the clinking of plates, the sizzle of eggs on the stove, and the quiet hum of the coffee machine. It was a scene of normalcy, but beneath the surface, there was a palpable sense of anticipation. After all, tonight was the night of the school prom, and it was all anyone could talk about.

I sat at the table, my hands wrapped around a mug of hot tea, trying to focus on the conversation around me. My dad was seated across from me, reading the morning paper, but his eyes kept darting over the top to check on Jin, who was unusually quiet this morning. Jin's mother sat beside him, a soft smile on her face as she busied herself with the breakfast preparations.

"So, Y/N," my dad began, folding the newspaper and setting it aside. "You excited for tonight?"

I nodded, forcing a smile. "Yeah, I guess so. It's just a prom, right?"

Jin's mom chuckled as she placed a plate of toast in front of me. "Oh, don't be so modest! I remember my school proms. They were always such a big deal."

I glanced over at Jin, who was absentmindedly poking at his food. He hadn't said much this morning, which was odd. Normally, he'd be teasing me about my outfit or joking about how we'd both look ridiculous trying to dance. But today, he seemed distant, almost distracted.

"It's nice to go, but you won't see me on the dance floor so often," I replied. "It's simple, nothing too flashy."

"Simple can be beautiful," she said with a knowing smile. "Sometimes, less is more."

My father, quietly sipping his coffee, finally spoke up. "And what about you, Jin? Have you already scheduled when you'll be picking up Seolhyun?"

Jin shrugged, still not meeting anyone's eyes. "Yeah of course."

There was a brief silence, and I could feel the tension in the air. It wasn't like Jin to be so aloof, especially on a day like this. Usually, he thrived on social events, always the life of the party. I couldn't help but wonder if there was something more going on.

"And Y/n? Is this Namjoon picking you up as well?" my dad asked, breaking the awkward pause. He shot Jin a concerned glance but didn't push him further.

"We agreed that we will meet at the school. I will go with Jungkook," I replied, feeling a little more relaxed at the mention of my best friend. "We're just going as friends, though. You know how it is. So no need to come pick me up."

My dad smiled. "Jungkook's a good kid. Does he have a date for the evening?"

''Y-yeah, he does,'' I replied, remembering that this would be the first time he would attend something with someone. And that someone just happened to be Taehyung who hadn't told anyone that he was gay. I hope everything will go alright.

Jin's mom chimed in again, her tone light and cheerful. "It's great that you two are going together. A night with good friends is always better than trying to make it into some big romantic event."

I nodded, grateful for her words. The truth was, after the strange phone call and all the weird tension that had come up lately, I was looking forward to a night of just being with my friends, enjoying the music, and forgetting about everything else. I stole another glance at Jin, who was now staring out the window, lost in his thoughts. Something was definitely bothering him.

"So, what time are you heading out?" my dad asked, refilling his coffee cup.

"Around seven, I think," I said. "We're meeting at Jungkook's house first to take some pictures, and then we'll head to the school together."

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