Chapter VII

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Chapter 7: A Rumor

Third person's POV

Namjoon walked to where he and his friends usually hang out between classes. Almost all of them were still there because there were still a few minutes until the next lesson. Jungkook and Jimin must be already on the field.

''What took you so long?'' Yoongi asked once Namjoon reached them and sat down.

''Since when do we have such a limited time to get new books and stuff? Do you have a timer taking time on my every move?'' Namjoon laughed, and Yoongi rolled his eyes.

''No, but I ran into your sister. Or she ran into me,'' he looked at Jin, who was reading the next class's book.

He stopped reading and lifted his gaze from the book to Namjoon. ''So? What I do with this information?''

''Nothing. Y/n seemed to be in thought and didn't notice me. Y/n almost fell and started to throw fists at me,'' Namjoon quietly kept laughing.

''Sounds a lot like Y/n,'' Jin chuckled. ''I think she is stressing about the prom. I heard Jungkook and her talking about in the morning.''

''Is that so? Doesn't she have a date? Why doesn't Jungkook go with him?'' Namjoon asked.

''Jungkook already has a date, remember?'' Hoseok noted after being so into his phone for a while. ''Why else would she be stressed if she already had a date?''

Jin groaned, and at that time, the bell rang for the next class. ''Can we stop talking and worrying about my sister's business? We never talk about her this much.''

After the three had gone ahead of Namjoon when he was collecting his bag from the floor, he came in thought and smiled himself before running after them.

''Urgh!'' I whined when the teacher had given us time to do the exercises. Jungkook wasn't here with me, so I couldn't just groan at him or ask for answers from him. I could see him from the window playing football.

I mentally send him murdering signals. Maybe he could get them and hear me.

It is all his fault for putting this whole prom thing in my head. Now that is the only thing I can think about, and there are still two months to that. But it'd be better to find the date before the actual day.

My phone vibrated under my hand, and I secretly hoped Jungkook had sprained his ankle because of my signals and that he could be with me the rest of the day.

But it wasn't Jungkook. It was a text from an unknown number.

''Meet me at the café after class. I will make up for the bump.''

The bump? What bump?


Is this from Namjoon? But I was the one bumping into him. Why does he want to make things up? I should be the one offering him something. Was the bump so hard for him?

Although I never say no to free coffee.

Throughout the class, all I could think about was the text message from Namjoon. Who would offer you something after someone bumped into you?

But I was curious, and Namjoon has always been the most genuine with me compared to other friends of Jin. Others treat me like a baby, which I am not anymore. In the past, when they were still in lower grades, I considered myself a baby.

Jungkook is the only one who is even more genuine than Namjoon. Others are older than him except Jimin and Taehyung, but those two hang out together a lot.

When the bell finally rang as a mark of the class being over. I gathered my stuff quickly because I knew the break was only fifteen minutes, and I didn't want t make him wait for me too long.

Or think I ran away from his gesture.

I arrived at the part of the school that holds our little cafeteria, where students can get snacks and drinks between classes. It also funds our school for different kinds of activities.

The prom, for example.

I saw Namjoon sitting on the tables which were near the window. I walked to him without thinking much and sat in front of him. It's not like this is the first time we talked.

''Hi, you wanted to see me,'' I started.

''Yeah, I ordered you a cold brew the way you like it,'' he smiled, showing his dimples. ''If you like it still?''

I chuckled. Namjoon must remember many times when Jin's mom made Jin take me with them so I wouldn't throw a tantrum over not being taken with him. Jin always had to buy me a cold brew to keep me quiet.

''Yeah, it is fine, thank you. You didn't have to. I was the one bumping into you.'' I said genuinely.

''I know, but I wanted to,'' he said, and it seemed like he was trying to find words. Is he blushing? ''It's been a long time since we have talked. How are you?''

I was a bit taken by that. It is true. Namjoon has always been the one who is interested in my life and how I am doing, unlike Jin's other friends.

''I'm doing fine, struggling with a few courses. Jungkook usually helps me, but he has been busy with his sport course. They have practiced outside school hours too.''

He nodded. ''Yeah, I heard something like that. What about your brother?''

I laughed. ''Since when do siblings help each other with homework? Maybe when I was a bit younger, he did help me but nowadays, not so much. And I bet he is now busy with that girl.''

He laughed pretty loud like I used to hear him laugh. ''Maybe. Well, maybe I could help you sometime? I hang out at your house anyways pretty often. Just tell me if you need help.''

I smiled at him as a thank you.

I started looking at my phone after a long silence. I checked if Jungkook had got off and needed me for some odd reason or if it was just my excuse not to be awkward.

''You can leave for your class if it's far. I don't mind. I don't have another for an hour still,'' Namjoon said after probably seeing me check my phone.

''Ah yeah,'' I said awkwardly. ''I hope you didn't take this as if I'm bored. I had a nice talk with you, and thank you for the drink!'' I thanked him as I stood up. The timing was right when the bell rang for the next class.

I needed to run for it, but I thanked Namjoon for more time before doing so.

After school, I was waiting for Jungkook at the school gate. He had texted me to wait for him even though I knew Jin was waiting for me at the parking lot. I ditched him to wait for my dear friend.

I felt someone jump onto my back playfully, and I knew who it was. ''Did you have something? Jin is waiting for me.''

Jungkook was smirking evilly at me. ''I cannot believe you haven't told me! Innocent my ass, without a date, all lies!''

I was confused about what he was talking about. ''What?''

''Are you and Namjoon hyung dating?''

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