Chapter VIII

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Chapter 8: A text message

''Are you and Namjoon hyung dating?''



I covered my mouth immediately. ''Where have you heard something like that?''

''Everyone is talking about it,'' Jungkook said as we walked to the parking lot. ''Or at least there is a rumor going on.''

Suddenly I started thinking about how long I had been in school today. It hadn't even been three hours since I had coffee with Namjoon, and people were already thinking things about it.

''Since when our school had a social club and rumors? Never.''

It is true. In movies, the school is always the worst place to have a rumor, especially if it involves you. But our school is nothing like that. Everyone is concentrated on their things, and they don't care what others do.

We have those popular girls and boys, and my brother and his friends, including Jungkook, happened to be those, but I could never imagine this.

''So are you?'' Jungkook asked curiously.

I snapped out of my thoughts and hit him on his shoulder. ''Of course, it is not true! How can you believe something like that?''

''I know you'd have told me about it way before,'' he giggled.

True or not, this isn't nice. I don't want people to think I'm dating him. And it is nothing personal against Namjoon. As I said, he is a good guy, handsome, and there is nothing wrong with him, but it's the causes that happen through this rumor.

And those causes are girls trying to ruin my life because they're jealous.

''Who even started this rumor?'' I asked, and Jungkook shrugged his shoulders.

''I don't know. All I heard was that someone saw you have coffee with Namjoon.''

Unbelievable, can't a person have a coffee with a friend without everyone thinking we're together? I want to bury myself deep in the ground.

''If it makes you feel any better, not all believe it,'' Jungkook patted my back.

Great, so they think I have no chance with him. That isn't any better.

I said my goodbyes to Jungkook and saw Jin's car waiting in the parking lot. I walked to the car and noticed that he was not alone. I saw Seolhyun sitting in the front seat, and I had no choice but to go to the back.

I shut the door, but I didn't say anything.

''Seolhyun will have dinner with us. I hope it's okay. Mom texted that they'd be working late and asked me to cook dinner for you,'' Jin turned to look at me at the back.

Even though I would say Seolhyun couldn't join us, I still think he wouldn't have listened to me. So I just fake smiled at him and went to scroll my phone.

Also, I'm capable of cooking for myself too. Or I could have gone out with Jungkook to eat or something. Maybe I will.

Throughout the trip, I had to listen to them lowkey flirting with each other, and Jin's hand was on her thigh whenever it wasn't on the gearstick. I fake-gaged mentally every time they did something.

We arrived home, and Jin parked his car in the garage. ''I don't think you're hungry yet, so I will start preparing the food later,'' Jin said after we exited the car.

I rolled my eyes and opened the door with my keys. I walked straight upstairs to my room and closed it.

I plopped on my bed and mentally screamed.

I took my phone out and called Jungkook.


''Dude, she is here.''


''Seolhyun, help me and figure out what we could do so I could get out of the house. Jin is cooking for us, and I don't want to sit with her!''

I heard Jungkook laugh at the end of the line.

''Chill. What do you have against Seolhyun? She is nice.''

''Nice? Did you hit your head?''

''For real, and I don't think you can have an opinion on her when you haven't talked with her. You have just seen her what, twice? Give her a chance, will you? I'm sure Jin would appreciate it too.''

I hate whenJungkook is right. Indeed I haven't talked with Seolhyun or given her a chance to introduce herself. But something makes me lowkey hate her.

Is it like a sibling instinct? To protect?

''Whatever, thanks for nothing.''

''Cmon Y/-''

I hung up before Jungkook could finish. I wasn't mad at him. It is just jokingly mad, and he does know that. I'm always like this when he doesn't agree with me.

I decided to have snacks. Jin said he'd make dinner later, and I felt like I didn't eat enough at school. So I stood up from my bed and opened the door. I walked downstairs to the kitchen and the fridge.

When I was making some sandwiches, Jin walked in.

''Oh, you had the same thought?'' Jin asked. ''Or are you just filling yourself up so you wouldn't have to eat the food I make?''

I chuckled. ''You know I love everything you make. Didn't the little sunshine come and make her sandwich?''

''What's wrong with you?'' Jin suddenly stopped. ''Ever since we picked you up from school, you have been acting rudely toward her.''

''I just think you are moving too fast.''

''Fast? Okay, first of all, it is none of your business who I date and how fast I ''move'' alright? And second of all, why do you hate her so much?'' Jin asked.

''I don't hate her!'' Yes, I do. I don't know why.

''Well, if that's the case, stop being rude to her. She'll be here like it or not.'' Jin stopped.

I went back to make the sandwiches, and I was almost finished.

''Besides, what's that thing with Namjoon?'' Jin suddenly asked, and I froze. Does he know?

I stayed quiet and finished my sandwich. Before I was able to leave the kitchen, Jin opened his mouth.

''You're not walking away from this,'' he said.

''The same applies to you. It's none of your business!'' I said and ran back to my room.

But knowing him, this wouldn't stop him from giving me a lesson of a lifetime. I could hear him talking about the age difference, even though it was only three years. But there wasn't even a relationship to brag about or get scolded for.

I opened my iPad and started watching the drama because I had no desire to start doing my homework yet. I needed a little time to clear my brain before melting them again with them.

While watching the show, my phone vibrated. I thought it was Jungkook spamming with stupid memes he had found on Twitter again, but it wasn't him.

It was a message from Namjoon.

I opened the message, and my eyes widened.

''Would you be my prom date?''


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