The Makings of a Queen - chapter nine-

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-A queen should always give a hundred and ten percent in whatever she does-

"Fifteen minutes. Fourteen fifty-nine, fifty- eight, fifty- seven, fifty-six..."

"Diana, knock it off. You're only freaking yourself out", I said.

Diana, Kristen and I were making our way to the soccer field. It was almost time for the beginning of tryouts and Diana was on the verge.of having a seizure.

"Guys this is serious. If I don't get the lead..."

"Which you are. So stop psyching yourself out."

"You think that just because you say it, its true? ", Diana snapped at me. " You don't know what could happen..." Her sentence lingered off until she was quiet.

Kristen nudged me in the arm. "Don't worry about her. She's just sleep deprived."

"I am not sleep deprived!"

Kristen glared at her. "Look Diana. I, as you guessed, am not a pleasant person. And as much I would really like to tell you off for even having the mindset to yell at us..." Kristen took a deep breathe and added calmly, " I will let it slide. This time." Then she looked forward and kept walking.

The tension was so thick that i decided it was would be best if we were just quiet for the time being. We finally made it to the field.

"Well this it", I nudged Diana, "Knock it out of the park."

She smiled at me and said thanks. "Let's go cranky', said Kristen and they walked off to the auditorium. I surveyed the area. The field was filled with about ninety girls who were going to tryout.

Since there was a junior high, junior varsity, and varsity teams, only forty- eight girls were gonna get on a team. I walked over to the what appeared to be one of the coaches.

She gave me a warm smile and asked me for my name.

"Cleopatra." She checked her clipboard. "Here you are Miss Harrison. I'm Coach Fisher, varsity soccer coach. We'll be starting the tryouts in a few minutes. Please stand over to the left with the other high school girls."

I walked over to the left and sat under a tree. i did not know anyone who was trying out-

"Cleo!" Oh why...

"Cleo, you made it!"I looked up and standing before me is root of my pain.

"Hello, Candice", i said rather strained. She crossed her arms and pouted. "Cleo, what's the matter? You don't seem happy to see me."

"I'm fine Candice just ready to get this thing started", I gave her a weak smile.

"Okay girls listen up!", shouted Coach Fisher said. "This is day one of tryouts. We will have tryouts until Thursday. On Friday after school, we will put up the team lists in the main hallway. We will meet up here everyday. If you can't make one of the tryout days please inform me. Any questions?"

We all were silent. "Good. I want you guys to look to the left and right of you. In a few days that the person next to you might be your teammate." My eyes wandered to Candice who gave me a smirk and turned away. I just rolled my eyes. She isn't worth my time.

"Okay girls, we are gonna start this off with eight laps around the field." We all groaned and started running. Candice ran over to me and smiled. " May the best woman win."

And she sped off, making sure to hit me in the face with her blonde ponytail.

*Author's note*

Thank you guys for getting my story to over one hundred reads! *gives everyone virtual hugs* I'm really thankful for that ^_^ and while you're reading this can everyone please pray for Boston. I know people who were at the event and i hope that all of them are safe. I hope everyone has a safe and good day. And lastly, y'all know the drill *giggles* Okay byeeeee *rolls of computer screen*

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