Chapter 8

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It's been hours since the lights went out for bed, but I can't sleep. I can never sleep. My mind is always racing and playing out scenarios that I know will never happen. But tonight, all I could think of was Him. He was witty and sassy in a funny playful way. He was beautiful in a way.


He's what?

In the most heterosexual way possible of course. He had a laugh that could make others laugh and a smile the lifted the atmosphere. I'm glad He talked to me instead of freaking out and telling me to go away because I've been watching Him, but now I feel like I have a chance to get to know Him.

I feel asleep thinking about Him.

I woke up when the lights turned on and the bell rang for breakfast. I hopped out of bed, but on my uniform, and stood in line for breakfast. It was the same thing every morning. Powdered eggs, powdered milk, and toast. I looked around the room and didn't see Him, so I just sat in the same spot from the night before and waited. I stabbed my eggs a little bit with my fork before taking my first bite, and as I did, He sat in front of me.

"Good morning." He greeted.

"Morning." I said after I chewed my eggs.

"How did you sleep?"

"Terrible as usual. You?" I saw him grab his toast and take small bites out of it.

"Good I guess. I'm so tired of the shitty food here." He said as he finished his toast and milk and pushed the eggs aside.

"You really should eat all of it..."

"I can't stand it."

"But you'll need the energy."

"I've done fine without it."

"You barley keep up when we work out."

"That's because I don't care and have no motivation to do better." He said.

"But you need to get stronger for Vietnam."

"I'll be fine. I keep up and that's enough." He said as I took the last bite of my eggs.

"If you say so...." I pushed my tray away. "So are you going to tell me your name now?"

"Questions are a danger to you, and a burden to others Wentz."

"But... I gotta know..." I begged.

He sighed.

"It's Patrick Stump." He said softly.

Patrick.... It fit... it wasn't simple, yet I unique. I didn't know anyone named Patrick, but it was a name you heard everywhere. And Stump. That's cute.

"Pete." He snapped me out of my thoughts. "Say something. That's why I don't tell people my name because I know you're making fun of my last name."

"No!! I like it. It fits you."

"Whatever you say. Stump is a terrible last name."

"No. It's cute. It fits you because well.... because you're short... like a stump."

"I hate you." He said through a smile and light blush that he tried to hide by looking down.

He blushed? What?

"Nahhh. Don't say things you don't mean." I smiled.

"And I mean it. Your ass is gra-" He was interrupted by the bell to dismiss us for our morning warm ups.

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