Chapter 15

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My first night in Vietnam is not a good one so far. Its impossible for me to sleep in this heat and humidity, I keep hearing animals off in the distance running around the jungle, and I feel like I'm gonna get shot any second now. I've just been staring at the ceiling of my tent, which was nothing more than a single sheet of tarp being held up my some metal rods.

I wouldn't exactly call this my dream vacation. I turned my head to look at Pete who was fast asleep, breathing softly.

What a lucky bitch. I thought to myself.

I can believe Pete said all that while talking to Joe. Now Joe definitely thinks Pete and I are together... I mean, it wouldn't be the worst thing that happened to me considering where I am and what I am doing. And we do connect on the spiritual and emotional level. And he has a nice face. Yeah. It definitely wouldn't be the worst thing to happen.

But I connect with Elisa on all those levels right? They say that distance strengthens the bond or something stupid like that, but ever since I met Pete, my feelings for her have only weakened.

My feelings for Pete? I know they aren't true. He is only my comfort object. Like a child needs their blanket, I need Pete to keep me calm. Whatever feelings I think I have for him, they aren't real.

This is why I hate not being able to sleep. I lay here and over think things until there's nothing left the think about.

"What are you doing up Patrick?" Pete asked in a deep tired voice.

Woah. Talk to me in that voice some more.

Wait... what?

"Nothing. Just can't sleep."

"Oh. Anything you're thinking about?" He asked in that voice again.

"N-no. Its just.. I'm not very comfortable, so I can't sleep."

"Oh. I'm sorry. You should still try. Goodnight 'Trick."


I'm straight, I swear. Was the last thought I had before falling asleep.

"Patrick wake up" I woke up to Pete shaking me gently.

"Why. I just feel asleep." I argued.

"No you didn't. Come on. We gotta take down camp."

"Why does God hate me Pete? Is it because I'm short. I knew he hated short people." I rambled on. I talk like I'm insane when I'm tired.

"What? No. Just get up." He said pulling me up off the ground. Let's put the tent up."


We broke down the tent and reported to Sargent, who apparently received orders today.

"Alright men, today we begin our march to another camp that has requested assistance. Its roughly 80 miles away so it will take us several days to walk there since the government can't afford to send us choppers. So fall in line and let's go!"

80? Miles? Several? Days?

I internally scream.

"Come one 'Trick. It can't be that bad." Pete said dragging me along with the rest of the group. Joe waited up for us and him and Pete started talking and catching up.

Hours later, we were still marching, this time walking in silence.

"Halt! Stand still!!" The Sargent yelled. I watched him grab a grenade and drop it to the ground. I panicked not knowing where to take cover, but it was too late. It already exploded.

I patted my chest to find myself intact. Then I realized, he must have dropped it into a hole in the ground! Duh...

"I need the smallest man we have to get over here now!" Sargent yelled. Everyone automatically turned to me. I slowly walked up to him.

"What do you need me for?" I asked, trying not to let my fear show.

"You see that hole, Private? Well that is an entrance to a tunnel system called Cu Chi tunnels. The Vietcong use to ambush American soldiers. These tunnels stretch for hundreds of miles. They literally live down there, and if they aren't emptied out where they are found, its just another dead American and that could be you some day. So what we are going to do, is hold you by the feet, lower you in, and you're going to make sure that tunnel is empty. If you see anyone down there, you're going to shoot them." He explained.

"Why me?..." I asked.

"Because you're the smallest one here." He told me. "Does anyone want to hold this kid up? It will taken two people." Sargent asked the rest of the squad.

"I'll do it!" I heard Pete run up towards me.

"Me too!" I saw Joe behind him.

"Alright. Let's get this done. Crawl into the hole, and you two grab him by the ankles."

I secured my pistol in one hand, and a flashlight in the other and crawled into the hole. When my body waist up was dangling upside down, I felt Pete and Joe grab my ankles. I turned on the flashlight and aimed my pistol and aimed it in the direction in from of me.

Nothing there. Then I heard running behind me.

"Turn me around!!!" I swear I could say it fast enough. As soon as I was turned around I fired the gun without looking. I looked down and saw a Vietnamese man holding his bleeding stomach...

"Patrick! Are you okay?" I heard Pete yell.

"Yeah!" I yelled back.

"Is he dead Private?" Sargent asked.

"No. But he'll bleed out soon." I said.

"End him. We can't take that chance!" He yelled.

I looked at him and he looked back with desperate, pleading eyes. He started speaking, but I can't understand him. I didn't have to know what he was saying to know he was begging me not to kill him.

"Kill him Private!!! Don't make me do it for you, or you'll regret it!!! Sargent commanded.

I aimed the gun at the man's head, seeing the tears flow down his cheeks as he begs for his life.

I closed my eyes and looked away.

And I pulled the trigger.

Holy hell what did I just do?

"Is he dead now?" Sargent asked.

"Yes, Sir!" I yelled. Then I was pulled out of the tunnel by Pete and Joe and I fell to the ground still in shock.

"I know its hard at first Private... But it gets easier... and you have to know, its us, or them. If you waited any longer, he probably would have tried to kill you." He said helping me up.

"I'm glad you're okay 'Trick." Pete said patting my back. I just fell back in line and marched in silence.

I killed a man...

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