Part one

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**Title: Unspoken Bonds: Megumi x Reader**
**Part One**

Y/N lounged on a pristine white chaise by her family's expansive pool, the golden rays of the sun casting a warm glow over her perfect form. She adjusted her sunglasses and grabbed her phone, snapping a quick selfie. She checked the photo, satisfied with how the light perfectly highlighted her toned body in the vibrant bikini. With a smirk, she tapped out a caption: **"too hot for this shit"** and posted it to her Instagram.

Within seconds, likes and comments poured in, her 35K followers eagerly praising her flawless looks and enviable lifestyle. Y/N scrolled through the flood of notifications, feeling a familiar mix of pride and boredom. She loved her followers, the attention, the compliments, but there was always something missing—a different kind of excitement she couldn't quite place.

She opened Instagram again, aimlessly scrolling past photos and stories, pausing only to like or comment on posts from her friends and fans. As she continued scrolling, a small account caught her eye—@megumifushiguro, with only 270 followers. The profile picture was simple, a dark-haired boy looking away from the camera, his expression unreadable. Something about his aura in the picture intrigued her.

Curious, she tapped on his profile and started scrolling through his sparse posts. Most were unremarkable—pictures of nature, some old photos with friends, and a few random shots that didn't give much away. He rarely posted pictures of himself, but when he did, Y/N found herself drawn to his serious, almost brooding expression. He was undeniably cute, with a quiet intensity that set him apart from the guys she was used to.

"Who are you, Megumi Fushiguro?" she mused to herself, her finger hovering over the "Follow" button. Her curiosity piqued, she decided to send a follow request, wondering if he'd notice or if it would get lost among his handful of notifications. She tapped the button and set her phone down, glancing back at the shimmering water of the pool.

"Just a guy with 270 followers," she chuckled softly to herself. "But maybe there's more to him than meets the eye."

Days went by, and Y/N went about her life, her days filled with streaming, attending high society events with her wealthy family, and managing her social media presence. She almost forgot about the quiet boy with the mysterious eyes, until one evening, her phone buzzed with a notification.

**@megumifushiguro accepted your follow request.**

A small, unexpected thrill ran through her. She opened Instagram and clicked on his profile again. She noticed he hadn't posted anything new, but her eyes drifted to his bio: "Tokyo Jujutsu High."

"What's that?" she wondered aloud, feeling a strange pull in her chest. She had never heard of that school before, but something about the name felt oddly familiar.

As she continued to scroll through his profile, she felt an inexplicable urge to know more about him, to understand why she was so drawn to this seemingly ordinary boy with only 270 followers. There was a mystery about him, something beneath the surface that intrigued her in a way she hadn't felt in a long time.

Maybe this was the excitement she'd been searching for.

And little did she know, this seemingly random follow would soon change her life in ways she could never have imagined.

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