part 11

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**Title: Unspoken Bonds: Megumi x Reader** 
**Part Eleven**

Megumi sat alone in his room, the only light coming from the dim glow of his desk lamp. His thoughts were a tangled mess as he replayed the events of the last few days in his mind. The more he thought about Y/N spending time with Yuji, the more he realized he didn't just feel protective over her. There was something else there, something deeper that he hadn't wanted to acknowledge. He had a crush on her—there was no denying it now. 

He let out a frustrated sigh, leaning back in his chair and running a hand through his hair. How had he let himself get so caught up in these feelings? He had always been careful to keep his emotions in check, to stay focused on his training and responsibilities. But ever since Y/N had joined Jujutsu High, she had been chipping away at the walls he'd built around himself without even realizing it. 

Her smile, her laugh, the way she looked at him with those bright, curious eyes—it all made him feel things he wasn't used to feeling. And seeing her with Yuji, seeing how happy she seemed in his company, had only made those feelings stronger. 

But what could he do about it? Yuji was one of his closest friends, and he clearly had feelings for Y/N too. Megumi didn't want to get in the way of that, didn't want to complicate things more than they already were. 

So he made a decision—a difficult, frustrating decision that made his chest ache just thinking about it. He would distance himself from Y/N, at least for a little while. Maybe some space would help him get his feelings under control, help him figure out what he really wanted. 

The next few days, Megumi did his best to avoid Y/N. He skipped meals in the dining hall when he knew she'd be there, opted to train alone instead of with the others, and kept his interactions with her to a minimum during classes. It wasn't easy—every time he saw her, every time she smiled at him or tried to strike up a conversation, he felt a pang of guilt. But he pushed it down, telling himself it was for the best. 

Y/N, on the other hand, couldn't understand what had happened. One minute, she and Megumi had been getting closer, and now it was like he was purposely avoiding her. She tried to brush it off at first, telling herself he was just busy or maybe dealing with his own stuff. But as the days went on and Megumi continued to keep his distance, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. 

She missed him—their late-night talks, their training sessions, the way he would always look out for her, even in his own quiet, understated way. It hurt more than she wanted to admit, and she found herself feeling more and more alone. 

Yuji noticed the change in her almost immediately. He could see how her usual bright demeanor had dimmed, how she seemed distracted and quieter than usual. He didn't want to pry, but he was worried about her. 

One afternoon, after training, Yuji caught up to her as she was heading back to her dorm. "Hey, Y/N," he called out, jogging to catch up. "Got a minute?"

Y/N turned, surprised to see Yuji. She forced a smile, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Hey, Yuji. What's up?"

He gave her a searching look, his brow furrowed with concern. "I was gonna ask you the same thing. You've seemed a little down lately. Everything okay?"

Y/N hesitated, not sure how much she wanted to share. But Yuji's expression was so earnest, so genuinely concerned, that she found herself opening up. "It's... it's nothing, really," she said with a sigh. "I just... I feel like Megumi's been avoiding me. I don't know what I did wrong."

Yuji's eyes softened, and he gave her a sympathetic smile. "I don't think you did anything wrong, Y/N. Sometimes Megumi just gets like this, you know? He's not great at dealing with his feelings."

Y/N nodded, but she still felt a tight knot of worry in her chest. "I guess... I just thought we were getting closer, you know? And now it feels like he's pushing me away."

Yuji reached out, giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "Hey, don't let it get to you too much. Megumi's a complicated guy, but I'm sure he'll come around. Maybe he just needs some time to sort things out."

Y/N tried to smile, but it was small and sad. "Yeah... maybe."

Seeing her so downcast, Yuji felt a pang of frustration. He hated seeing her like this, especially over something he felt could be resolved with a little communication. But he also knew how stubborn Megumi could be, especially when it came to his emotions.

"Tell you what," Yuji said, his tone brightening. "How about we do something fun to take your mind off things? We could grab some food, or go see a movie, or even hit up the arcade. Whatever you want."

Y/N looked up at him, surprised by the offer. "You really don't have to—"

"I want to," Yuji interrupted, his smile warm and genuine. "Come on, it'll be fun. And I bet it'll make you feel a lot better."

After a moment's hesitation, Y/N nodded, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Alright, Yuji. Let's do it. I could use a distraction."

They decided to grab some food at a nearby café, choosing a cozy corner booth where they could talk and relax. Yuji kept the conversation light, telling her funny stories from his training sessions and sharing silly anecdotes about Gojo and the other teachers. He did everything he could to make her laugh, and slowly but surely, Y/N started to feel a little better.

By the time they finished eating, Y/N was feeling more like herself again, her worries about Megumi temporarily pushed to the back of her mind. She was grateful for Yuji's company, for the way he seemed to know exactly how to cheer her up.

As they left the café, Yuji suggested they check out the arcade across the street. Y/N agreed, and soon they were racing each other in a driving game, both of them laughing and shouting as they tried to outmaneuver each other on the virtual track.

Yuji let her win a few rounds, but Y/N didn't notice, too caught up in the fun to care. She was smiling and laughing again, her worries momentarily forgotten, and Yuji felt a warm sense of satisfaction seeing her so happy.

Back at Jujutsu High, Megumi watched from a distance as Y/N and Yuji returned, their faces flushed with laughter and excitement. He felt a sharp pang of something—jealousy, maybe, or regret—twisting in his chest.

He wanted to go to her, to talk to her and explain why he'd been acting the way he had. But every time he thought about it, he felt a wave of uncertainty. What if she didn't feel the same way? What if he'd already missed his chance?

For now, all he could do was watch from afar, his heart heavy with a mixture of longing and uncertainty, wondering if he'd made the right choice—or if he was just making things worse.

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