part 3

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**Title: Unspoken Bonds: Megumi x Reader** 
**Part Three**

The next day, Y/N found herself standing at the gates of Tokyo Jujutsu High, her heart racing with a mixture of nerves and excitement. She looked up at the imposing building, its ancient walls radiating a sense of power and mystery. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a soft, golden light over the grounds, and the air was filled with a strange, almost electric energy. She could feel it thrumming beneath her skin, making the knot in her chest tighten with anticipation.

"This is it," she whispered to herself, adjusting the strap of her bag on her shoulder. "No turning back now."

Principal Yaga stood beside her, watching her with a calm, assessing gaze. "Welcome to Tokyo Jujutsu High, Y/N," he said, his voice steady and reassuring. "This is where you'll learn to harness your cursed energy and develop your cursed techniques. Remember, this is not an easy path. It requires discipline, courage, and determination. Are you ready?"

Y/N nodded, her grip tightening on her bag. "I'm ready," she said, determination blazing in her eyes.

"Good," Yaga replied with a small smile. "Follow me. I'll introduce you to your new classmates."

As they walked through the school's sprawling grounds, Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. She passed several students practicing their techniques—some wielding weapons, others summoning shikigami or manipulating cursed energy in ways she had never seen before. It was like stepping into an entirely new world, one filled with endless possibilities.

They reached the main building, and Yaga led her through a series of hallways until they reached a classroom. "Wait here for a moment," he instructed. "I'll bring in your classmates."

Y/N nodded, taking a deep breath as she watched him disappear down the hall. She glanced around the empty classroom, her mind racing with questions. Who would her new classmates be? What would they be like? Would they accept her, or would they see her as just another spoiled rich girl trying to play sorcerer?

Before she could dwell on her worries, the door opened, and a group of students walked in. The first to enter was a tall, pink-haired boy with a friendly smile and an energetic aura. "Hey there! You must be the new transfer student," he greeted, extending a hand. "I'm Yuji Itadori."

Y/N smiled, shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you, Yuji. I'm Y/N L/N."

Behind Yuji, a girl with short blue hair and a confident stance entered the room. "I'm Nobara Kugisaki," she said with a smirk. "Nice to see a new face around here. And finally, another girl to balance things out. We've been outnumbered."

Y/N chuckled, feeling a bit more at ease. "Glad to be here."

Finally, a familiar face walked in. Y/N's breath hitched slightly as she recognized him from his Instagram photos—Megumi Fushiguro. He looked exactly like his pictures: dark hair, sharp eyes, a serious expression that seemed almost intimidating. But now, seeing him in person, she felt that same mysterious pull, the same curiosity that had drawn her to his profile months ago.

Megumi glanced at her briefly before giving a small nod. "I'm Megumi Fushiguro," he said simply. "Welcome to Jujutsu High."

"Thanks," Y/N replied, trying to keep her voice steady. "Nice to meet you all."

Yuji, ever the enthusiastic one, clapped his hands together. "Alright, now that the introductions are out of the way, why don't we show Y/N around? We can give her a tour and then maybe show her some of our techniques!"

Nobara nodded, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Yeah, and maybe see what she's got up her sleeve too."

Y/N laughed softly, feeling a bit of her tension ease. "I'd love that."

As they left the classroom and began the tour, Y/N found herself falling into easy conversation with her new classmates. Yuji was bubbly and full of energy, always eager to make her feel included. Nobara was sharp-tongued but friendly, with a competitive streak that Y/N found oddly comforting. And Megumi... he was quieter, more reserved, but there was something about his presence that made her feel strangely at ease.

As they walked, Y/N couldn't help but steal glances at Megumi. She wondered if he remembered her following him on Instagram or if he even noticed. She debated whether she should bring it up or if it would just make things awkward. But every time she tried to muster the courage to ask, Megumi would glance her way, and her resolve would crumble.

Eventually, they reached a large training field where several students were sparring. Yuji turned to Y/N with a grin. "Wanna show us what you've got? I heard you developed a shikigami technique similar to Principal Yaga's. I'd love to see it in action!"

Y/N hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Alright," she agreed, stepping forward. She took a deep breath, focusing on the familiar knot of energy in her chest. She had been practicing for months, but this was the first time she'd be showing her abilities to anyone outside her family. She couldn't afford to mess up.

She closed her eyes and concentrated, feeling the energy flow through her veins. When she opened them again, two small, shadowy creatures appeared at her sides—a fox with glowing red eyes and a raven with midnight-black feathers. The shikigami shimmered in the air, their forms solidifying as they awaited her command.

"Wow!" Yuji exclaimed, his eyes wide with amazement. "That's so cool! You've got two of them!"

Nobara whistled, clearly impressed. "Not bad for a newbie."

Megumi watched her closely, his expression unreadable. But Y/N could see the faintest hint of interest in his eyes, and that small acknowledgment filled her with a surge of confidence.

"Alright, let's see what they can do," she said, her voice steady. She directed her shikigami to attack a nearby training dummy, and they moved with swift precision—the fox darting forward, its claws slashing through the air, while the raven swooped down from above, striking with its beak.

The group watched in awe as the training dummy was torn apart in a flurry of shadows and strikes. When it was over, Y/N dismissed her shikigami, a satisfied smile on her lips.

"Impressive," Megumi finally said, his voice calm but approving. "You've got good control for someone who just started learning."

Y/N felt a blush creep up her cheeks at his compliment. "Thanks," she replied, her heart pounding. "I've been practicing a lot."

As the day went on, Y/N found herself feeling more and more at home at Jujutsu High. Her new classmates were welcoming, and the school was unlike anything she had ever experienced. She felt a thrill of excitement every time she summoned her shikigami, every time she felt the rush of cursed energy flowing through her.

But more than anything, she found herself drawn to Megumi. There was something about him—something mysterious and intriguing—that made her want to know more. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but she was determined to learn more about the boy with only 270 followers who had somehow captured her attention.

Little did she know, Megumi was just as curious about her—the rich girl with the perfect life, the one who had stumbled into the world of jujutsu sorcery and was already proving to be a force to be reckoned with. And as they continued their training and their paths crossed more and more, he couldn't help but wonder what fate had in store for them both.

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