part 2

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**Title: Unspoken Bonds: Megumi x Reader** 
**Part Two**

Y/N couldn't shake the feeling of restlessness that had settled over her. It wasn't just the usual boredom with her lavish lifestyle or the fleeting excitement of her social media fame. No, this was different—more intense, more demanding. It was as if something inside her was clawing to get out.

It started with strange dreams. In them, she was surrounded by shadowy figures, their forms shifting and twisting in the darkness. She could feel their presence, almost see them, but every time she reached out, they slipped through her fingers. One night, she woke up with a start, drenched in sweat, a lingering image of a small creature with beady eyes staring back at her, etched into her mind.

"What the hell..." she muttered, rubbing her temples. But even as she tried to dismiss it as just a nightmare, she felt an odd sense of familiarity, a feeling she couldn't quite explain.

Over the next few weeks, the dreams became more vivid, more insistent. She began to notice strange things happening around her. Objects would move when she wasn't looking, shadows seemed to stretch and bend in unnatural ways, and she often felt a cold shiver run down her spine, like something—or someone—was watching her.

One afternoon, while she was in her room preparing for another Twitch stream, she felt it again—that strange sensation, like a knot in her chest tightening. Her reflection in the mirror seemed to waver, and for a split second, she saw a pair of glowing eyes staring back at her. She blinked, and the image was gone.

"Okay, this is getting weird," she whispered to herself, feeling a mix of fear and curiosity.

Deciding she couldn't ignore it any longer, Y/N began researching online, trying to find answers. She stumbled across a few articles about strange occurrences, unexplained phenomena, and urban legends, but nothing concrete. Frustrated, she almost gave up, until one night, she found an old forum post about "cursed energy" and "cursed techniques."

"What's this...?" she wondered aloud, reading through the cryptic posts. They spoke of people who could manipulate a mysterious energy to perform incredible feats, people who could see and exorcise malevolent spirits called curses. She read stories of sorcerers who fought these curses, wielding strange powers that defied explanation. As she read on, something clicked in her mind, like a puzzle piece falling into place.

Could this be what was happening to her?

Intrigued, she decided to experiment. In the privacy of her room, she tried to focus on the sensation, the knot in her chest that seemed to grow tighter whenever she felt the strange presence around her. She closed her eyes and concentrated, trying to reach out, to grab hold of whatever it was inside her.

At first, nothing happened. But then, slowly, she felt a warmth spreading from her chest to her fingertips. She opened her eyes and gasped. A small, shadowy figure was hovering in front of her—a tiny, dark creature with round eyes and a mischievous grin.

"What... are you?" she breathed, her heart pounding. The creature seemed to giggle, its form flickering in the dim light. Y/N felt a strange connection to it, like it was a part of her, an extension of her will.

She reached out, and the creature jumped onto her hand, its form solidifying. She could feel its energy coursing through her, a strange but exhilarating sensation. "A shikigami..." she whispered, recalling the term she had read online. "I can summon a shikigami..."

The realization hit her like a bolt of lightning. She had a cursed technique, just like the ones she had read about. Somehow, she had developed the ability to summon these strange, shadowy creatures—her own version of a shikigami technique, similar to Yaga's. She didn't know how or why, but she knew she had to learn more.

Over the next few months, Y/N dedicated herself to honing her newfound abilities. She spent hours practicing in secret, summoning different shikigami, learning to control them, to make them obey her commands. She kept her discoveries hidden from her family, not wanting to draw unwanted attention or concern. But every day, she grew stronger, more confident in her abilities.

Then, one day, she received an unexpected visitor. She was in the middle of a particularly challenging summoning exercise when a knock on her door startled her. Quickly dismissing her shikigami, she opened the door to find a tall man in a suit, his expression serious but not unkind.

"Y/N L/N?" he asked, his voice calm and authoritative.

"Yes, that's me," she replied cautiously. "Who are you?"

"My name is Principal Yaga," he said. "I'm here to talk to you about a school—Tokyo Jujutsu High."

Y/N's eyes widened in shock. "Tokyo Jujutsu High...?" she echoed, recognizing the name from Megumi's Instagram profile. "What do you want with me?"

Yaga smiled faintly. "We've been monitoring your development, Y/N. You've shown a remarkable aptitude for cursed techniques, and we believe you have great potential. We'd like to offer you a place at our school, where you can learn to hone your skills and become a jujutsu sorcerer."

Y/N's mind raced. This was it—the excitement, the adventure she had been craving. A chance to learn more about her powers, to become something more than just a social media star. And, a small voice in the back of her mind reminded her, a chance to meet Megumi Fushiguro in person.

She took a deep breath, her heart pounding with anticipation. "I accept," she said, her voice steady. "I'll go to Jujutsu High."

Yaga nodded, his expression pleased. "Good. Pack your things. We leave tomorrow."

As Y/N closed the door, she felt a thrill of excitement coursing through her veins. Her life was about to change in ways she could never have imagined, and she couldn't wait to see what lay ahead.

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