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Mark arranged my hair and removed the strands hanging around my neck. He put his hands on my jaws and ran his thumbs on my cheeks. He stared intently into my eyes. I felt his soul piercing through my heart.

"I love your eyes," he whispered.

I love... I love you. I wanted to whisper back but no voice came out. I spent so many nights, weeks and months dreaming of the moment when I tell Mark I love him. Even if he doesn't say it back, I will be okay. I just want to say it. I want him to know how much I love him.

"Please look at me," Mark murmured.

I was melting like strawberry Haagendazs under the summer sun. I  stared at his eyes for two seconds and my eyes averted quickly to focus on his lips. He bit his lower lip. What beautiful thick lips. He slowly lifted my chin.

"Eye contact, please."


Damn. I wanted to tell Mark I love him but my tongue seemed to be moving backward down my throat.

My heart started beating faster as I stared at the tip of his nose which was an inch away from mine.

I tried to stare back at his eyes. I wanted to look at him longer but my eyes started to water. I blinked. His prominent eyebrow bones shadowed his deep-set eyes. His tall and narrow nose touched the tip of my nose and then I felt his lips. They were parted. They were a bit wet. They tasted like vanilla cream frappuccino.

His hands were moving on my head as if he was giving me a scalp massage. His lips touched mine and I melted evern more.

It was only my second kiss; our second kiss but I reciprocated the kiss as if I'm so used to kissing Mark. I felt his tongue touch mine and it felt like an electric eel bit me. It was weird that I had a vision of an eel with electric currents running on its body.  I had been electrocuted once when I plugged a hair dryer at my aunt's house. My reflex then was to pull my hand as quickly as possible away from the socket. But when Mark's tongue electrocuted mine, my reflex was to chase his tongue and dance with it.

I thought people kissed in slow motion just like in movies but Mark and I kissed in an upbeat tempo with a lot long inhalations and moaning exhalations. It was a long second kiss. I think it lasted ten minutes or so.

Supple. Tasty. His lips were soft. His kiss was so gentle it warmed my entire body.


Hello there! Thanks for reading. What does VCF stand for? The answer is super yummy.

Hint: 바니라 크림 프라푸치노

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