Chapter 19 My future

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The weeks that followed were like something out of a dream. Nik never left my side. He doted on me in ways I never imagined, showering me with gifts, affection, and the kind of attention that made me feel like I was the only person in the world. His love was fierce and consuming, and as much as I tried to keep my guard up, I found myself falling deeper with each passing day.

We started to talk about the future—our future. The idea of marriage, of forever with Nik, was both thrilling and terrifying. He spoke of it often, his eyes lighting up with excitement as he talked about the life we could build together. A life where I was his queen, where we ruled together, unbreakable and eternal. It was everything I had never allowed myself to dream of, yet here it was, within reach.i had nothing to go back to, no family but he was so ready to be mine

But as the days turned into weeks, something began to gnaw at the back of my mind. It was subtle at first—a vague discomfort, a feeling that something wasn’t quite right. Then it hit me, hard and undeniable: I was late. My monthly blood, always irregular but never this delayed, hadn’t come. I tried to push the thought away, to focus on the happiness I was feeling with Nik, but the anxiety lingered, growing stronger with each day.

It didn’t take long for Rebekah to notice. She had always been the sharpest of the Mikaelsons, quick to pick up on the smallest details. We were sitting together one evening, sipping tea in the garden, when she turned to me with that all-knowing look in her eyes.

“Bonnie, love, you seem... distracted,” she said, her tone gentle but probing. “Is something wrong?”

I forced a smile, trying to brush off her concern. “It’s nothing, Beks. Just tired, I suppose. Things have been... intense lately.”

Rebekah didn’t buy it. She never did. “You’ve been tired a lot lately. And I couldn’t help but notice... your monthly blood. It’s late, isn’t it?”

My heart skipped a beat, panic flaring in my chest. “It’s nothing,” I said quickly, too quickly. “My period has always been irregular. I’m sure it’s just stress.”

Her brow furrowed, the worry in her eyes deepening. “Bonnie, you need to be sure. If something is wrong—”

“Nothing is wrong,” I insisted, more to convince myself than her. But when I saw the doubt in her eyes, I sighed and reached for her hand. “Look, if it will make you feel better, I’ll go see Ayana. She’ll know what’s going on, and she’ll tell us both that there’s nothing to worry about.”

Rebekah squeezed my hand, relief softening her features. “Thank you. I just... I care about you, Bonnie. I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

“I know,” I whispered, giving her a reassuring smile that I didn’t quite feel. “I’ll go see her tomorrow.”

The next morning, I made my way to Ayana’s hut, my heart heavy with an anxiety I couldn’t shake. Ayana was one of the most powerful witches I had ever met, her connection to nature and the spirits deep and unyielding. If anyone could give me answers, it was her. But as I approached her door, a cold dread settled over me, making my steps falter. What if something really was wrong?

Ayana greeted me with a serene smile, her wise eyes taking in everything I didn’t say. “Bonnie, child, come in. I’ve been expecting you.”

I forced a smile and stepped inside, trying to calm the storm of emotions swirling within me. “Ayana, I—there’s something I need to ask you.”

She nodded, her expression serious as she motioned for me to sit. “I know, child. The spirits have whispered of your arrival.”

My stomach tightened at her words. I sat down, feeling suddenly exposed under her knowing gaze. “I... my period is late,” I admitted, my voice barely a whisper. “Rebekah noticed, and I thought it might be nothing, but...”

Ayana reached out, placing a comforting hand on mine. “Let me see,” she said softly, her voice calm and reassuring. She closed her eyes, her other hand hovering over my abdomen as she murmured an incantation under her breath.

The air around us seemed to thicken, a hum of energy filling the space. I felt a tingling sensation where her hand hovered, like a warm, gentle touch, but as the seconds ticked by, that warmth began to twist into something darker, something wrong.

Ayana’s eyes snapped open, her expression grave. “You are with child,” she said, her voice tinged with an edge of concern. “But the pregnancy is... unstable. The spirits are restless, child. Something is very wrong.”

A cold wave of fear washed over me, my breath catching in my throat. “What do you mean? What’s wrong with my baby?”

She shook her head, sorrow etching her features. “This child does not belong in this time. The magic that brought you here, that intertwines with your being, is rejecting the life within you. If you wish to save this child, you must return to your own time. The longer you stay here, the greater the danger.”

My mind reeled, the weight of her words crashing down on me. Go back to my time? But how? I didn’t even know how I got here, let alone how to return. And Klaus... what would happen if I left him? Could I even bear to leave him behind?

“Ayana,” I whispered, my voice shaking, “I don’t know how to get back. I don’t even know where to start.”

Ayana’s eyes softened with sympathy, but her tone remained firm. “You must find a way, Bonnie. The spirits will guide you, but the choice is yours. If you stay, you risk not only your life but the life of your child.”

The world seemed to tilt around me as I absorbed her words. I wanted this baby. More than anything, I wanted to protect this life that was growing inside me. But to do that, I had to leave everything behind—the man I loved, the life we were building together, everything.

Tears welled in my eyes as the enormity of the decision weighed on me. “What do I do?” I whispered, more to myself than to Ayana.

She placed a hand on my shoulder, grounding me in the moment. “You do what you must, child. Trust in your strength, and the spirits will show you the way.”

I nodded, though my heart felt like it was breaking. I had to do this, not just for myself, but for the life I was carrying. But how would I ever find the strength to leave Klaus behind? How could I possibly face the future without him?

As I left Ayana’s hut, Rebekah was waiting outside, her expression tense with worry. I forced a smile, though it didn’t reach my eyes, and walked toward her, steeling myself for the hardest conversation of my life.

“Everything’s fine, Beks,” I lied, hoping to keep her from prying further. “It’s nothing. Just stress, like I said.”

But even as I spoke the words, I knew the truth was far more complicated, and the path ahead was one I wasn’t sure I could navigate alone.

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