Chapter 1 Phasmatos.......oh shoot

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"Its simple ill say a few Latin words and get a few drops of your blood, then the spell will be complete. You will be protected from Klaus."I say offering Elena a warm smile.

"Alright lets do it." she says returning my smile. She looks over at Stephan and Damon, I can tell she loves them both but she has to stop dragging them both along.

"Its going to be OK." she says more to herself.

I prick her finger with a pin and begin to chant as each drop of blood falls from her finger and begins to vaporize. Everything was engulfed by a white light and then I was in the woods I look around in confusion then i suddenly realize where i am. its my old hide out from when Caroline, Elena and I would play hide and go seek. I always used to hide here and they never could find me I smiled at the thought but then it turned to a look of confusion when i saw i was in a dress an old dress like the ones you hear about in history class i wish i payed more attention to Alaric in class.The only thing that crosses my mind is that ive been sent back in time i laughed at myself for thinking that. How could I be back in time? Shock washed over me as realization hit.Now that I had the power of the hundred dead witches I could do almost anything.

I heard footsteps nearby and scurried trying to hide,

"Are you ok?" I hear a mans voice ask me.

"I wont hurt you"

I stepped out from my hiding space. the man had long brown hair and clothing as strange as me. He had a sword hanging from his hip and a bow across his shoulders.His face Mikael.


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