Chapter 8 Warm ~Blooded

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Elijah, Rebekah and I sat at the table eating and talking about his hunt and what Rebekah and I had been doing, Esther and Mikael had already retired for the night. We made our way to the living room still talking.

"I shot a buck and caught a few rabbits, Nik also caught a buck,a couple of rabbits,some squeals to please father and some fish to gift mother,Kol tried to shoot a boor but missed"Elijah chuckled."Finn always doing better than us got two bucks a boar,snared some rabbits and caught some very sizable fish."

"This is going to be the best feast we've ever had" Rebekah sang

"Well I guess I have to go gather my belongings out of you and your Niklaus' room"I say beginning to get up.

"No I can stay in kol and Finn's room tonight they wont be back till tomorrow"He said also standing up.

"No It is your room i wouldn't dare keep it from you"i say

Then an idea popped up there were two beds in the room.

"Why don't you sleep in your bed and i will sleep in Niklaus'"His mouth goes a gape.Rebekah chimed in to try and kill the awkward silence.

"What?It wouldn't hurt, as long as you stay in your side of the bed and she stays on hers."We laughed the stared at him for an answer. He nodded still starstruck. Rebekah and i giggled again.

"I will go get dressed for the evening first" I say while walking up to my,no Elijah and Klaus' room.

I found a comfy looking dress like thing

and made my way back down stairs, I stood in the door way and Rebekah and Elijah's mouths dropped open as shock painted there faces and a slight blush creeped its way up Elijah's face

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and made my way back down stairs, I stood in the door way and Rebekah and Elijah's mouths dropped open as shock painted there faces and a slight blush creeped its way up Elijah's face.

"What?"i say


That's when it kicked in, even though this was more than something people in my time would wear But i might as well be standing here with nothing at all.

"Come on guys! Can any of you see my privates?Or even my stomach?"

I ask knowing that they cant because the long white undergarments end just bellow my knees and the sleeves below my elbows.

They looked confused fora second and then looked at each other.

"Well no!We can only see your hands and your legs"Rebekah says defeated.

"Then what does it mater"I say plopping onto the chair."Your turn Lijah"

Rebekah just smiled at me and we burst out laughing

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Rebekah just smiled at me and we burst out laughing. When Elijah id done changing I say goodbye to Rebekah and make my way to the room. Once i got in bed I heard Elijah yawning

"You fascinate me Bonnie Bennett"

I just smiled to my self in the dark ,after a few short minutes of silence i hear heavy breathing Elijah must have fallen asleep.

Then a final thought hit me before i let the darkness engulf me.

I was in the originals home, they were human.Warm skinned, blood flowing, heart beating, growing aging human beings.

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