The Curse Rebound

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Shyam rushed towards Sumitra's room, his heart racing with worry.

As he entered, he was met with a somber atmosphere, the air thick with uncertainty. Maids and servants stood nervously by the door, their faces etched with concern, while Kavita and Dhirendra hovered anxiously nearby.

Govardhan sat vigilantly beside Sumitra, who lay motionless on the bed.

The doctor, who had been examining her, whispered something in Govardhan's ear, his expression grave. Govardhan nodded solemnly, thanking the doctor as he escorted him out to his car.

Meanwhile, Shyam approached Sumitra, his voice cracking as he asked, "Didi, what happened?" He buried his face in her pillow, his body shaking with sobs, as the weight of the uncertain fate of her unborn child hung heavy in the room.

The situation has taken a dramatic turn! Here's a revised version of the paragraph with a more polished tone:

Kavita's voice cut through the air, sharp and accusatory. "This is all your fault, Shyam!" she exclaimed, her words dripping with venom.

"While your husband and Sumitra were frantically worrying about their child's health, you were too busy indulging in your illicit affair!" Shyam's eyes widened in shock as Kavita continued, her voice rising.

"I followed you to the hotel, where I saw you wining and dining with your lover! You were so caught up in your own selfish desires that you neglected your family's needs!"

The room fell silent, with all eyes on Shyam, as Kavita's words hung in the air like a challenge.

"The curse demand you to be faithful lover of Govardhan, you werent really faithful when you were inside that fucking bitch!"

"Stop it ! You fu-", Shyam wanted to shout but seeing govardhan coming back inside made him rethink his choice.

Govardhan's face broke into a relieved smile, but his eyes still betrayed a lingering sadness as he gazed at Sumitra.

"The doctor says both Sumitra and the baby are okay," he announced, his voice laced with a mix of joy and residual worry.

"Nothing to worry about," he added, his smile broadening slightly as he tried to reassure the others, but his eyes never leaving Sumitra's fragile form, his concern for her still palpable.

Shyam's eyes welled up with happy tears as he heard the good news. Sumitra's eyes fluttered open, confusion etched on her face.

"What happened?" she asked weakly.

Santi Kaki, the old maid, hastened to her side. "You fell on the stairs, child, and were unconscious for three hours. We were so worried about you and the baby."

Sumitra's hand instinctively went to her stomach, concern etched on her face.

Shyam smiled, relief washing over him, but also a hint of scolding. "Why were you running around the house like that? You need to be more careful."

Sumitra winced, her head still throbbing from the fall. "I slipped on something, but I'm not sure what it was," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Sumitra, don't try to speak," Govardhan instructed, his voice firm but gentle. "You need to rest now."

He ushered everyone out of the room, except for Santi Kaki and Soumya, whom he asked to stay and help Sumitra change into something comfortable.

Govardhan was aware that, despite Shyam's unconventional appearance, he harbored no ill intentions and regarded Sumitra with the affection of an younger sister.

As the others filed out, Kavita and Dhirendra exchanged a weighted glance, their eyes flashing with a sinister unspoken understanding that made Shyam's instincts prickle with unease.

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