The Regret

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The morning came, the sun shining through the window. Shyam opened his eyes and show an unfamiliar room. He looked at the messy bed he was laying on and realised what happened yesterday.

Shyam's eyes fell on the bottle of whiskey on the bedside table, and he felt a wave of nausea wash over him.

The bed was a tangled mess of passion, the silk sheets a stark reminder of the night he had spent with Govardhan.

He had lost count of how many drinks he had had, but he remembered every touch, every whispered word, every shared kiss.

"No... No nono nono", shyam eyes filled with regret "what have I done".

His eyes scanned the corridors, hoping to catch a glimpse of the man who had so thoroughly claimed him the night before. But Govardhan was nowhere to be found.

"Oh no, what have I done?" Shyam exclaimed, his eyes scanning the empty room frantically. "Govardhan, where are you?"

He threw off the covers and rushed to the door, but it was locked from the outside. Panic set in as he realized he was trapped.

"Sumitra, I'm so sorry," Shyam whispered, his voice shaking with regret. "I've ruined everything. Your happiness, your marriage... all because of my selfish desires."

He slumped against the wall, his head in his hands. "What was I thinking? I knew what Govardhan meant to you how sacred your marriage was. I've destroyed everything."

Shyam's thoughts raced back to the previous night, the passion and excitement blinding him to the consequences. "I was so blind, so stupid. I've ruined a marriage, a friendship... a life."

He beat his fists against the wall, anger and regret coursing through his veins. "Why did I do this? Why did I give in to my desires?"

Shyam's thoughts spiraled into a vortex of despair as he contemplated the consequences of his actions.

"How can I face Sumitra didi? She trusted me, and I betrayed that trust. I've ruined Govardhan's life, and mine too."

He imagined the conversation with Priya, his fiancée, and cringed. "How can I tell her that I spent the night with another man, being fucked as woman? She'll never understand. Our engagement, our future... everything will be over."

He slid to the floor, overwhelmed by the weight of his mistakes. "What have I done? I've destroyed my life, and the lives of those I love."

Shyam stumbled out of the room, his legs unsteady from the night's exertions.

His heart raced as he reached the bathroom, the cold marble floor sending a chill through his body.

The sight in the mirror was jarring: the torn nightdress hung loosely around his waist, revealing the bruises that marred his skin like a battle map of their passionate encounter.

His breasts, once bound, now swung freely, a stark contrast to the delicate feminine silhouette he had so carefully crafted.

His eyes fell to his throbbing asshole, a new sensation that sent a bolt of both pain and pleasure through his body.

He fumbled with the faucet, the water spilling out in a rush that mirrored the tumultuous emotions within him. He splashed the cool liquid on his face, trying to wash away the remnants of guilt and fear that clung to him like the scent of Govardhan's cologne.

He watched as the water washed away the dried semen that clung to his body, carrying the evidence of their tryst down the drain.

With trembling hands, he began to soap up his body, the scent of sandalwood filling the steamy air.
As he washed, his mind replayed every moment with Govardhan, each touch, each kiss, each caress.
The guilt was a heavy weight on his chest, but the pleasure was undeniable. He couldn't help but let out a soft moan as his soapy fingers found their way to his still-sensitive asshole, the tightness of it reminding him of the size of Govardhan's cock.

"Why did I let it go so far?" Shyam berated himself. "I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't stop. I was consumed by my desires, and now I've paid the price."

He got out of the shower when he heard a familiar voice.

"Shyam, you fucking cheater" Priya knocking the bathroom door.

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