The End of a Year

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Lucille walked towards Ron and turned him over, there was a nasty gash on his head, and Lucille recoiled, but she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

She opened her eyes and then shook him slightly, he stirred, "Ron, do you think you can get up?"

He shifted but instantly winced, "Wh-what—"

"Don't waste your energy in speaking, Harry and Hermione have gone ahead, we need to go to the hospital wing." Somehow with lots of effort and time, he sat up.

Lucille played with the idea of dragging him but he was way taller and bigger than her, so that wouldn't work, she roamed around the room looking for something that could help, and then she remembered the brooms, and she broke off into a run, and got two brooms. Ron was in no condition to ride on his own, so using her support he moved and they both got onto a single broom, grab tightly, she instructed, and bend your head, and then, she added in afterthought, close your eyes. 

She had to take a deep breath the blood on his head was making her queasy she knew she would vomit at some point.

Ron was holding on for dear life, and then they zoomed, over the Chess Board, through the keys, and over the Devil's Snare, then they went up and up and up, and finally, they reached the trap door they could hear Fluffy's growls clearly.

"Ron" Lucille started as calmly as she could, as she changed her grip on the broom, to the way her father had taught her, "I am sorry, but we will have to go fast, keep your eyes closed alright?"

He didn't argue and did as she told, and Lucille flashed out of the trapdoor, as she had hoped that took Fluffy by surprise, and by the time he came after them they were out of the door, as they skidded to a stop the momentum rocked them forward, and Ron groaned loudly.

Lucille at a very reasonably slow pace, went to the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey jumped up and said shrilly, "What happened?",

"He was sleepwalking—hit his head on a stone wall—hard" Lucille, didn't know if she could tell other people yet.

"I—found this broomstick lying about and brought him—thought it was quicker."

"Yes, yes," Madam Pomfrey soon had Ron on a bed.

While Lucille stumbled off the broom, and took another look at Ron, and all the adrenaline crashed.

Lucille clamped a hand on her mouth and ran to the bathroom, and there she emptied her guts out, then she just sat down on the floor and ran a hand over her eyes, they had watered.

After her mouth was clean she went back to Madam Pomfrey and Ron, the former took one look at Lucille and handed her a potion. That helped a lot.

Soon Ron was sleeping but Lucille's mind was racing with concern for Harry and Hermione, she couldn't tell anyone, that had been the whole point of the four of them going on their own.

But then she saw something or rather someone, that made her mouth fall, 


 He was in his nightrobes and taking points from two Ravenclaws who were clearly a couple.

Her head spun, if Snape was here then who was under the trap door? She ran right back to the Hospital Wing, told Madam Pomfrey, she needed to put the broom back in its place, and then ran to The Third Corridor.

There she saw another person, who made her jaw drop, "HERMIONE!"

The other girl was just getting off her broom, she was trembling and looked deathly pale, she had a rip in her robes, Fluffy's work.

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