Letters, Letters, and Letters

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The next morning, on getting ready the first thing Lucille did was send her letter, then she went to the Great Hall, and she turned to the Slytherin table, and looked at Pansy hitting Blaise on the head and Lucille grinned, but lo-and behold she was a Gryffindor, so he truged up to the Prefect from the day before, she needed his name she decided and also permission to sit at the Slytherin table.

So she went to him.

"Excuse me."


"Can I sit at the Slytherin table?"

and he faltered for a second, and shared a look with his friend, but answered, "Sure."

Lucille quickly decided to get it over with, "If you don't mind, what is your name?"

"Percy Weasley"

Oh great, one person! one person, I managed to talk to and he is a Weasley, spectacular. Lucille thought bitterly.

and Percy said in a guarded tone. "Is there a problem, Malfoy?" and she just shook her head.

She scurried to the Slytherin table.

and instant chorus, "Lucille!"

"Cannot believe the hat put you in Gryffindor"

"Seriously, how did you manage an entire night with them"

"Let her breathe!" Blaise said loudly.

and she slipped into the seat beside him, "Yes, it is me, don't get me started on the dratted hat and I managed somehow, Pansy, thanks for the concern." she grinned at the other girl, who grinned right back, then Draco said, "Cillie, are you okay?" and Lucille's shoulders slumped, "I don't know? I mean the one person I talked to turned out to be a Weasley—so" she trailed of.

and Daphne said fiercely, "You don't even need anyone there, you have us" Lucille smiled, but when they matched classes there were not many of Gryffindors and Slytherins together, just potions, still Lucille knew she had them with her and that is what mattered.

Then came the owls.

The owl she got from her mother had probably been sent the previous night because it just asked whether they both had reached safely, their father asking did they sing that silly song, and her mother asking, isn't the Slytherin Common Room beautiful?

Lucille knew the real deal would come tomorrow.

and it did, as a matter of fact, each of her friends received a letter the next day, all of them tucked the letters in their respective robes.

When in her dorm she read her letter it wasn't the worst but it still hurt.

Dear Lucille,

It is indeed not what we expected of you, and is a big adjustment, for you to be a Gryffindor. We expect you to be on your best behavior and I can not stress this enough, but you are to stay away from bloodtraitors and muggle-borns, I am relieved that you both are safe and well. Do not forget Lucille you represent the Malfoy name and anything you do reflects on us.


Your Mother

That was it. Nothing from her father. Lucille felt her throat dry up, and for the hundredth time she thought, that stupid hat.

As if things could not get worse, the next day when she reached the Slytherin table, abruptly all of them stopped talking Draco was looking particularly agitated, and Lucille said, "Everything alright?"

and Daphne said, "Yeah" a bit too cheerfully.

Crabbe and Goyale weren't even looking at her, and then came letters, this time for everyone except Draco, Lucille, Crabbe, and Goyale, and her friends with lightning speed tucked their letters in.

Something was off.

And the off-ness only increased in the following days, they would look nervous around her, and have shorter conversations, only Draco seemed normal, in a way, because he seemed like he was trying to fill in for everyone else.

That Sunday, as Lucille was on the way to the Great Hall she saw Pansy and Daphne walking just in front of her, she knew she should not, but she could not control herself, she started walking softly and did not announce her presence.

"I don't like this." Daphne said, and Pansy said "Look, I don't either, but we cannot exactly go against them"

"Why won't they understand? Lucille could never become a blood traitor—and somehow they are worried that she would spread it to us"

"Keep your voice down!" Pansy whisper-shouted.

"I just don't know what to do" Daphne said, "I know I should listen to them but, how can I just abandon her like that"

and Pansy had no answer. Lucille was stumped, their parents had asked them to cut off contact with her, and she did not know what to do, in fact, she realized that all she could do was wait and see what her friends do, she went in, smiled and bantered, yet there was a sinking feeling in her gut.

Lucille spent most of the day in the library, in the fiction section. It kept her mind off things, what would she do if they listened to their parents? She had no answer, so she escaped to stories.


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