Go Gryffindor!

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Lucille, could not sleep the following night, she turned this side then that, nothing made sense and her head was aching. Ron—A Weasley had saved her life.

Lucille could not help but think that had Draco been in his place and one of Ron's many siblings in her place, her brother would have turned tail.

It wasn't a welcome thought, and left a bitter taste in her mouth, earlier she too would not have seen anything wrong with it, there was not supposed to be anything wrong with leaving bloodtraitors to their own devices.

Yet, she was now friends with a muggle-born.

Plus, she had experienced it herself, and no one should be left to their own devices in such a situation, and definitely not because they were friends with someone.

But, her parents always said, that Bloodtraitors were the worst sort of people, so why would they lie, perhaps she was missing something, she didn't know.

Then another thought emerged, bloodtraitors were the worst sort of people because they were friends with muggle-borns and muggles, was she herself a—no. No, ofcourse not, Lucille was not a bloodtraitor, she was friends with Hermione, it must be some specific muggleborns, it—it had to be, there had to be something to explain this.

Then she was back to Weasleys, the thing was her father had a special dislike for the Weasley Patriarch, Arthur Weasley, and the feeling, judging from the attitude of all the Weasley kids towards her, was mutual.

Lucille was pretty sure that she had just became friends with a Weasley, fighting a troll together tends to do that to a people, but the thought of her father finding out about it, to put in simple words, terrified her, he would be angry and worst of all, disappointed.

Lucille did not know what to do, if only things would be less complicated, she thought to herself, but things were to stay complicated and thus Lucille Malfoy mulled over it.

She finally decided that like with Hermione, her friendship with Ron and Harry too had to stay hidden, at least until she understood, the intricacies of blood purity.

Soon, it was November, and Lucille, Harry, Ron, and Hermione, had gotten quite close, they helped each other with homework, spent all their time in the Gryffindor Common Room with each other, and sometimes Lucille chatted Harry's ear off about quidditch, who to her delight, didn't mind at all, her and Ron—were well, still keeping each other at arm's length, sure, they joked around sometimes, but Ron didn't seem to trust her completely, and Lucille had qualms about him because, well, he was a Weasley.

There was also the challenge of keeping things hidden from the Slytherins, while still protecting the feelings of her new friends, it was exhausting, and Lucille soon discovered, that going to the library was an excellent excuse.

Ron, Harry, and Hermione had gone to the courtyard, it was a break between classes, and Lucille had told them it was much too cold for her.

Lucille looked up from her potions homework as Harry sat down in front of her, he looked annoyed, Ron and Hermione were not looking very happy either.

"Snape took Quidditch Through the Ages from me! the one Hermione had lent."

"What? Why?"

Ron said, "Apparently there is a rule that library books cannot be taken outside Hogwarts"

Lucille snorted, "That is totally made up, I was reading Tales of Beedle Bard, near the lake last week, and that too from the library, and Professor McGonagall asked whether it was the new edition that had recently come to the library, and we talked about it. There was no book taking."

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