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Lucille Celeste Malfoy wanted her brother to stop talking, not that it would happen.

Since the summer had started all he had been talking about was Harry Potter, it was obsessive really. 'Stupid Potter, just because he is famous, he gets everything.'

'He got to be in the quidditch team!' 'Ugh--Potter is just annoying' 'Why are you friends with him, Cille?' 

Lucille had a feeling that even their parents shared her sentiments. One year back when the twins had started at Hogwarts Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy had hoped that their kids would become friends with The Boy Who Lived, their son had not become friends with him, no, he had become his rival. At least, they consoled themselves that their daughter was on amicable terms with him.

Lucille was more than on amicable terms with him, though she had not told her parents that Harry Potter was a very good friend of Lucille's, why you ask? The Malfoys were what people called pure-blood supremacists, and Lucille had been too, but last year she was sorted into Gryffindor, lost fellow supremacist friends, and ended up becoming friends with a muggle-born Hermione Granger who is now her best friend, Lucille soon realized that she was in no way better than Hermione because of their respective blood, and long story short she isn't a supremacist anymore and is also friends with Ron Weasley.

 When her parents discovered the friendship, they were furious and ordered her to cut off her friendship with the Mudblood and the Weasley, but Lucille had also realized that for the first time in her life, her parents were wrong about something, and they didn't seem like they would understand, and that was fine, that was what they had known their entire lives and they contrary to Lucille didn't know actual Muggle-borns.

Another simple truth was, that there weren't other supremacists in Gryffindor for Lucille to be friends with and that too her parents would not understand, such deep was their hatred, but Lucille needed people, she needed friends in the place where she would spend 7 years of life. Her brother after some convincing and despite his deep dislike for Lucille's three friends, had understood, and agreed to not snitch, for Lucille had no plans of telling her parents that she was still friends with Ron and Hermione, and since Harry was great friends with Ron and Hermione, it had seemed like a good idea to downplay her friendship with him as well.

At present Draco was talking about, how it was Potter's fault that Slytherin had lost the house cup, they were in his room, lounging around. Lucille smirked, "Oh don't be sad Draco, it would do no good, besides I assure you this will become a regular occurrence, Gryffindors are the best"

She loved getting him riled up, it was her favorite hobby.

"Poor Slytherin, how must it feel losing the cup after a 7-year-old run as the winner" she messed his hair up, pouting mockingly.

He jerked his head away glaring at her, "It is your fault too! Why did you have to save Weasley? Couldn't you have just left him to go to the Hospital Wing himself!"

Lucille gave him a look, "Stop shouting." She whispered through clenched teeth.

He clamped his mouth shut.

But just for a moment, "But it isn't fair! Besides you just took him to the Hospital Wing, and that old sod gave you 50 points for that."

Lucille sighed, what Draco didn't know was that she had done a lot more than that, and she was almost sure, that the old sod, that is, Albus Dumbledore, knew it.

At the end of last year, Lucille and her three friends were involved in the defeat of Lord Voldemort on the back of the head of The Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor's head, Lucille had deemed it right to fight against him because her parents had told her that they did not stand with The Dark Lord though they agreed with his views and that Lucius had been a Death Eater under the Imperious curse, and they would like things to stay the way they wereat present.

During the adventure, Ron became injured, so Lucille asked Harry and Hermione to go ahead while she took him to the Hospital Wing.

Lucille had felt that her role was not as big as the other three's had been, which she worked to her favor and convinced her friends to tell everybody that she had not gone with them at all and had just found Ron injured. She had done it so that there was no way her parents would know that she was still friends with Ron and Hermione, they would just think that she had found a fellow injured student. That was exactly what had happened, and her father had reprimanded her for helping a Weasley, but she just said her voice squeaky, that she had found bleeding very heavily, she couldn't just leave him, it was horrible. Her father sighed and told her to stay away from 'that lot'.

Lucille was feeling somewhat guilty, today was Harry's birthday, and she hadn't sent him anything, she had not sent any letters at all, it was way too much of a risk, she decided that when they went to Diagon Alley, she would buy him a gift. 

So she sat here listening to her brother, that is when she felt hungry, they had already had dinner and she was craving ice cream.

"DOBBY!," She called out.

The house elf popped right into the room, his eyes wide like saucers, and then he started banging his head on the table, Lucille said, "Dobby, do this later, I want ice cream, strawberry."

That made Draco look up, "I want it too, Mango for me"

and they both shared a grin.

Soon, they were digging in in their ice creams, while trying to get a few bites of the other's as well.


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