A Potion And A Bludger

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That night Hermione told Lucille that they need a book from the restricted section, and were thinking of getting the slip signed by Lockhart.

Lucille just nodded, she didn't know what to say.

The next day, after the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Harry, Ron and Hermione stayed back.

Lucille went to the Common Room, there weren't a lot of people around.

Lucille sat down next to Ginny Weasley, who was scribbling something in her diary, and looked up at Lucille with a start.

"Hey, Ginny."


"How are you doin' ?"

"Eh, the usual." said Ginny, though her red rimmed eyes suggested otherwise.

"You know, my first year wasn't the very best either-- I know you are going through something, I just wanted to tell you that it passes."

"What was your first-year like?"

"Uhh, It isn't that interesting."

"You can still tell me..."

Lucille swallowed, "Well, imagine that you were put into Slytherin, and friends you had known all your life were Gryffindors, and they didn't want to talk to you anymore afraid that you would wind up on the wrong side now...and of course your parents weren't very happy..."
She trailed of.

Ginny said, "Oh."

Lucille laughed, "Yeah, oh. But then I became friends with Hermione and then we both became friends with Harry and Ron."

Ginny said, "Where are they?"

Lucille felt her smile become a little fixed, and lied. "I am not really sure, I didn't want to roam around, so I told them to go off without me."

"So, have you made any friends yet?

"Oh, well there is this girl..."


That night Hermione told her that they were making the potion in Myrtle's bathroom, and they were going to be needing some ingredients....
Once again, Lucille nodded.

The next day was the first match, Gryffindor vs Slytherin.

Lucille stood in the stands with Ron and Hermione, then the Bludger started acting up, there were so many close calls, Lucille could not clearly remember the number of times she shut her eyes or winced.

Lucille loved her brother, but there was this thing called house pride and Lucille had buttloads of that.

Then the Bludger got Harry, but her friend still powered through.

Harry took his remaining hand off his broom and made a wild
snatch; he got the Snitch but was now only gripping the broom with his legs,

"Oh Merlin." Lucille said, her eyes fixed on him.

Ron cursed under his breath

he headed straight for the ground, trying hard not
to pass out.
He hit the mud and rolled off his

Lucille, Ron and Hermione instantly started making there way through the crowd, to Harry, but by the time they reached, Lockhart had yet again showcased his incompetence and made all of the bones in Harry's arm disappear.

“Ah,” said Lockhart. “Yes. Well, that can sometimes happen. But
the point is, the bones are no longer broken. That’s the thing to
bear in mind. So, Harry, just toddle up to the hospital wing — ah, Ms. Malfoy, Mr. Weasley, Miss Granger, would you escort him? — and Madam
Pomfrey will be able to — er — tidy you up a bit.”

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