Chapter 6:Let's put on a show

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The mission ended up unsuccesful. The missing Nikke squad was already assimilated into Rapture parts by the Tyrant, but they managed to eliminate the Tyrant with no casualities.

Kumagawa thought it went pretty well. Of course, the Central Government seems to disagree with him.

Right now he was in the office of the Deputy Chief , an man with brown hair and facial hair that also had blue eyes. His name was Andersen.

Rapi, Anis and Marian were brought with him as well

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Rapi, Anis and Marian were brought with him as well. However, they stood silent behind him.

So here he was, drinking a cup of coffee as he undergoes his first meeting with the Deputy Chief . How nostalgic, it reminds him of his first meeting with Chairman Shiranui.

Andersen:So nice to meet you. I'm Andersen, the Deputy Chief of the Central Government Command. Let's dispense with the formalities. Call me however you like.

Kumagawa:[Okay then, Andersen-chan!]

Andersen:An informal one, aren't you? Well, that works for me. I called you in today because I wanted to conduct a little test. Nothing too difficult. You can relax. From here, go to the Simulation Room. There will me someone there to greet you.

Anis:What? You called us here just for that?


Anis:I was just asking...

Andersen:I just wanted to meet you. No other reason. I believe we're done here...Ah, I do have one question.


Andersen:Let's say someone did corrupt your Nikke. Maliociously. Someone so powerful yiu'd have no chance to confront them. Tell me, what would you do.

Kumagawa:[Haha, that's quite the question. You know, there was a time our world was disbanded. Tell me...Have you ever heard of kamikaze?]

Andersen:...I see, so you're that kind of person. Good to know.

Kumagawa:[Ah, I do have one last thing to say.]


Kumagawa:[This coffee sucks.]

With that Kumagawa left the coffee cup on the table after taking merely one sip and headed out with his Nikkes. It did differ from his meeting with Chairman Shiranui there, that old man knew how to brew his tea.

Once arriving at the Simulation Room, they were greeted by a woman with black hair and black eyes. Her name was Ingrid.

 Her name was Ingrid

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03 ⏰

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