Chapter 2:A man's greatest temptation is gacha

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The enemies of humanity, mechanical constructs known as Raptures that have the sole purpose of exterminating anything that is not a Rapture. They had no hesitation in attacking the fallen ship.

However, Marian didn't hesitate in her purpose either. Bullets shoot out at a fast rate from First Affection upon the Raptures, the only thing in the Nikke's mind being to protect her new commander.

As it was to expect, the Raptures didn't sit iddly either. Flashes of red flickered as the front terrestrial raptures shot lasers and bullets at them while the drones send bombs towards them.

However, their misfortune has turned into fortune. Although they were the only two survivors of the ship, but the wereckage of the ship did make for a good defense.

However, it wasn't gonna holdfor long. The Raptures would arrive at a distance from where they'd find it easier to harm the Nikke and human.

As she reloaded, Marian looked behind to asses the current state of her commander. To her relief, he looked unshaken as he drank hot green tea from a Japanese cup...Wait, where did he get that from?


Marian:Yes, Commander?

Kumagawa:[That one from behind. He seems to act as the boss of it all. Aim for him.]

Kumagawa pounted with his fimger and Marian followed. Indeed, at the very back there was a Rapture a bit taller than the rest who also had two large plates from which it was firing bullets.

Marian lost no time. Her First Affection was already reloaded and the bullets fired upon it.

However, it was at a considerable distance. So not all bullets hit.

Even Nikkes have their limitations. Marian can't make out such small details.

Another thing she missed because of the distance was a screw. It was easy to miss, as it was not oversized luke the ones on the ship, but rather a normal sized screw.

Although looking no different from a screw, it easily pierced through the leader Rapture's body. That was,despite the fact that it's body was able to resist against continuous attacks of a Nikke's weapon

The leader exploded immediatly, creating a chain reaction. Marian looked in bewilderment as the army of Raptures was destroyed in one fell swoop.

Kumagawa:[Incredible, Marian-chan! You really are very reliable!]

Marian:I...No, it was just luck. I couldn't do it without your astute observation, Commander.

It was true. Most commanders simply ordered their Nikkes to fire away without any real strategy.

To survive the crash, to find a survivor that also happened to be a very competent commander and to somehow end up with that chain reaction against the Raptures. Marian considered herself to be fortunate indeed.

Kumagawa noticed that Marian struggled a bit when it came to getting up. He tilted his head as he asked the obvious question.

Kumagawa:[Something's wrong?]

Marian:It's just...My leg isn't in the best condition.

Kumagawa:[Hm, well, you went through a crush and searched through all that rubble. I guess the chances of you getting hurt were already quite high.]

Marian:Hurt, or...Rather malfunctioning.

Kumagawa:[Maybe we could still find some bandages around. Ah, but that wouldn't be much help for a Nikke.]

Marian:Indeed. Well, my mobility wasn't affected. There's no need to worry, Commander.

Kumagawa shrugged his shoulders. Perhaps he had finally found an nice girl, but she was just as stubborn as all the other girls he knew.

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