Chapter 4:It's for science!

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Marian didn't know what to say. She really was at a loss for words.

It was clear that her commander often said strange things by now. However, to ask for something like that is still a bit too much.

Marian:Commander... That's a bit...

Kumagawa:[Hm? What's the matter? I simply wished to see it. We've already went on and on about a dead men, didn't we? Even though we're somewhere that could end up with us being ripped apart at any moment, despite Anis-chan qnd Rapi-chan being the reason we weren't.]

Well, that was not really true. Kumagawa wouldn't have any trouble slaughtering his way through the waves of Raptures.

But it wasn't time for something like that yet. Although he'd lie if he said he wouldn't want to get some actions.

Marian:I...You're right, Commander. I spoke out of line.


Anis:Alright...I was just saying...

Rapi:Could you tell us your name?

Kumagawa:[Kumagawa Misogi.]


Anis:I'm gonna do a little digging. Let me see...

Anis took out an phone, or at least this world's version of one, and beggan fiddling with it. Her face quickly changed to one of shock.


Rapi:What's wrong?

Anis:This Commander is a total rookie.


Anis:He just graduated from the Military Academy yesterday...Is what it says here. There's no way...

Kumagawa:[Ahaha, I see the cat is outvof the bag. Well, I understand why my inexperience might be infuriating to you.]

Anis:...There's no way that is true! Not after what just happened! You put together a plan like that in such a short time when all Commanders I had before just order to fire away. There's no way you just graduated yesterday!

Kumagawa:[Ah, you give me a bit too much credit. I simply happen to always have liked strategy games. Beside, the Raptures don't have much in term of intelligence. They're pretty much mechanical animals, going through a pattern. It's just that I had an easy time observing that pattern with you around.]

Anis was right. Something was definetly fishy here.

It's a known fact about Nikkes. Although the Military Academy boast teaching the Commanders as the humanity's very elite, they don't really teach the Commanders anything.

Most Commanders also happen to have their first mission an awful experience. The awful sights of the ruined world outside the Ark combined with the horrific sights of the Raptures and sometimes even frightened by their own Nikkes.

Yet, this man before them displayed no fear, emotional distress or hesitation when face with the cruelty of the above world. He was just way too competent for a rookie Commander.

Rapi:Let's move to the commercial street. It's too dangerous here.

Rapi did not attempt to interogate Kumagawa for more informations. They have only meet him, so it was natural for him to keep his secrets to himself.

He was still their Commander. His safety was their top priority.

With that, they began moving. Rapi, however, had her thoughts more aimed at the Central Command rather than Kumagawa himself.

Rapi:Really, sending a fresh graduate in a place like this...What were they thinking...


Rapi:Nothing. Anyway, you're the Commander of this squad from here on out. If you don't have any objection, I'd like to brief you on the current situation.

Kumagawa:[Go ahead.]

Rapi:Okay, I'll brief you. 46 hours ago we lost communication with a Nikke squad that was patrolling thid area. They went completly dark, so we decided to send out a search party. During the search, an accident resulted in the death of our now former Commander.

Anis:The problem is, our deceased Commander was the only one that knew the coordinates of our destination. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?

Kumagawa:[Nope, no one told me anything.]

Anis:I figured as much.

Marian:I know the coordinates.

Anis:Yeah, I figured that too...Huh?

Marian:That information implemented onto me when I was send on this mission. Follow me.


Marian took the lead. Trailing behind, Kumagawa found this all a bit too convenient.

Marian didn't really know where they should go before, having failed to contact the Ark for such informations. Yet she suddenly seemed to know now.

Nikkes were mostly mechanical, with only their brain being biological. The brain, an vital organ that was alike computers in many ways

Then an question formed in Kumagawa's head. Can Nikkes be hacked.

With that, Kumagawa slowed down a bit. He spoke loud enough for only Anis And Rapi to hear.

Kumagawa:[Hey, mind doing me a favor? Keep an eyes on Marian-chan for the time being.]

Anis:Huh? What with this all of a sudden.

Rapi:So you think something might be wromg as well...Understood, Commander.

Anis:Well, if that's your order...

As they continued walking Marian began slowing down. She looked a bit worse for wear.

Rapi:What's wrong?

Marian:I...I don't know. I feel strange...

Rapi:Let me do some maintanence. Take off your top.

Marian:R...Right here!?

Rapi:Is there a problem?

Marian:The Commander is right over there...

Anis:Relax. You don't really think the Commander sees you that way, do you? To them we're nothing but emotionless fighting machines. The last thing on his mind is sex. Right, Commander?

Kumagawa:[There's no need to feel embarassed. I wouldn't want Marian-chan to get worse for my sake...Please, proceed!]

Kumagawa sat down, his hands suppoting his head as he stared intently at them. He looked like he was excited for the show of the century.

Anis:Well, well, so you do see us that way...Interesting.

Is it possible for Nikkes to have sexual relationships. Unkown.

Anis was right, that is how Commanders and most of humanity saw Nikke, so that's why no one even bothered to think about such a thing. However, Kumagawa was always a curious boy.

The moon was an unkown territory until man set foot upon in. Kumagawa has no problem in being the one to take the first step!

Marian:It's probably just a small malfunction because of these new surroundings.

Rapi:Take it off.

Kumagawa:[Take it off!]

Anis:Don't make such a fuss, will you?

Marian:I...I said I'm okay!

Rapi:In the events of a malfunction, it is required that we conduct the necessary repairs. This isn't an option.

Marian...I see.

Anis:Good. Okay, Commander. Please turn the other way.

Kumagawa:[Awww...Not even a peek?]


Kumagawa:[But it is for science!]

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